Yakiniku-kan Ginsui i Hachioji

JapanYakiniku-kan Ginsui



🕗 åbningstider

1-chōme-515-1 Takiyamamachi, Hachioji, Tokyo 192-0011, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 42-696-4626
internet side: www.yakinikukan-ginsui.com
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Latitude: 35.6795401, Longitude: 139.3345098

kommentar 5

  • Riyton LOVE

    Riyton LOVE


    It's delicious anyway! The atmosphere of the store is also great. Recommended for dates or when you want to relax and be healed (^^)

  • m



    It's not bad, but if you want to pay for bad customer service and wasted money, you should go. I didn't want to go there, but I was invited to visit again. Rating remains the same lol Good place if you want to waste money. You'll understand if you go.

  • Sany



    The beef tongue is thick and filling! Ginsui salad is also definitely recommended! Beef sashimi is also great. Even if you order too much and there's leftover meat, they'll make it into a bento box for you, which is great.

  • ぶーすか



    This is a store that is unfriendly, doesn't apologize, rip-offs, doesn't take orders correctly, doesn't know how to serve customers, and is only friendly to those who pay. I will never go there again. "reason" I used to go there with my family when I was little. My father is the manager and is good friends with the staff, and he drinks alcohol, so I'm happy when he goes. When I went with my grandmother for the first time in a long time after I became an adult, she asked me on the phone to make a reservation, "Are you and Mr. (father) with me?" When my grandmother answered that it was just me and my grandson, she blatantly got nervous. I did. I went twice and it was the same both times. When it came to ordering, it seemed like I had made a mistake in writing down the dish that I had clearly asked for, so of course the wrong dish arrived. You didn't ask for this, right? As I was talking to my grandmother, she seemed to hear me, so she patiently brought me the correct food, said, ``I'm already full,'' and left. ......Huh? (lol) I was so surprised by this impossible response that my mind went blank for a while. The food I originally wanted to eat was just put down and it made no sense to me. Restaurants are also a customer service industry. Please learn and master the basics before starting work. You work and get paid, right? The bill was about 20,000 yen. It's been a long time since I've had dinner with my grandmother, just because it's expensive but delicious, and I was excited to go there again like I did when I was little, but from the bottom of my heart I feel the worst. was. It was very disappointing and upsetting. This restaurant was the one that ruined my meal out. When I expressed my frustration, the cashier at the last moment responded with a smile and a polite response, but it was too late (lol). Do you think that all is well that ends well? (lol) Please keep this in mind from the beginning. Because you are serving customers. Even so, there was not a single word of apology (lol) My grandmother also said that she was disgusted by the telephone response at the time of reservation and said she would not go again. The customer service was so bad that I thought it would go out of business without being improved. It was a really bad memory. No matter how delicious it is, I won't go there again.

  • 須﨑恭彦



    A famous Yakiniku restaurant in Hachioji! The smokeless roaster does not leave any odor on your clothes, and we offer a wide range of meat choices, from reasonably priced meat to high-quality meat. The famous ``Ginsui bone-in short ribs'' is rolled and stands tall on the plate. When expanded, it is the perfect size to cover the net! Sometimes, when Chateaubriand arrives, the table becomes festive! LOL There are owls displayed both inside and outside the store, which is my favorite store!

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