Yaizu City Hospital en Yaizu

JapónYaizu City Hospital



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Juevesabierto 24 horas
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1000番地 Dōbara, Yaizu, Shizuoka 425-0055, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 54-623-3111
sitio web: www.hospital.yaizu.shizuoka.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.8375599, Longitude: 138.306428

comentarios 5

  • Hari Sharan

    Hari Sharan


    One of the best hospital in this area.. I’m happy for their service.. doctors are so kind …

  • ともばぁ



    My elderly mother had an intestinal obstruction and underwent emergency surgery. I am filled with gratitude to all the doctors and nurses who worked with my mother. thank you. P.S. It was my last consultation, and it was my first time seeing a surgeon, but it was the worst. When I told him what my family doctor had asked me to ask him, he said, ``I don't understand what you're talking about?'' Teachers like this will probably lose their reputation. The doctor who operated on me was a really good doctor, so I feel bad for him today.

  • pon pon

    pon pon


    I would like to describe my experience when I was hospitalized. I was in a large room with many patients who were in serious condition and all on ventilators, and I was constantly being bothered by the sounds of phlegm being sucked out and their groans, making it difficult for me to sleep. I asked the head nurse to change my room, but in the end she was unable to change my room. The noise and moaning caused me to lose sleep at night, and my hospital stay was stressful and the worst. I couldn't sleep without headphones or earplugs. I'm still traumatized by the feeling of experiencing a real biohazard.

  • P janjan

    P janjan


    My fever was so bad that I called to go to the emergency department, but I was told that they might not admit me if I had a fever alone.I realized that the hospital wouldn't treat me if I had a fever alone, so I went to the clinic on duty. As a result, it seems that I was infected with the new coronavirus. It's a shame that I wouldn't have spent 30 minutes going to another hospital if I had just been diagnosed with a fever.

  • Mouse Mickey

    Mouse Mickey


    I stopped by on Friday, September 8, 2023 to visit. The response at the nurse station in 6B was prompt and nice👌

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