JA Shizuoka Shimizu Welfare Hospital en Shizuoka

JapónJA Shizuoka Shimizu Welfare Hospital


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578-1 Iharachō, Shimizu Ward, Shizuoka, 424-0114, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 54-366-3333
sitio web: www.ja-shizuoka.or.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.0453994, Longitude: 138.4743559

comentarios 5

  • パン粉姉さん



    It seems like there are more doctors than before. It's a shame that there aren't that many buses, but I'm thankful that the parking lot is free. The My Number Card reception machine at the general reception desk didn't respond very well, so it took some time, but the receptionist was kind enough to help me out. The doctors, nurses, and receptionists in the department I visit are all kind. After I made my next reservation, I had to change my reservation due to my mistake, but they did it nicely. The waiting area in front of the reception desk is a large space. JA's cash service is available. I also appreciate that it is prescribed in the hospital.

  • 愛久



    I was hospitalized on the 4th floor for a week. teachers and nurses very friendly Always approach me cheerfully He gave it to me. Thank you very much.

  • KO MOCHI (もち子)

    KO MOCHI (もち子)


    I never went to the hospital, but regarding the phone calls... I became a guarantor for a hospitalized family member. The hospital contacted my family, but by chance my mother, who was always on call, was unable to answer the phone for a long time, so I, the guarantor, received a call. When I called back because I couldn't answer right away, I was told that the person in charge was not available and would call back from the hospital in 20 minutes. However, even after more than an hour, there was no news. I called back and explained the situation, but the conversation continued without any hesitation. I may be narrow-minded, but I find it extremely unpleasant. I would like you to report and communicate properly.

  • スス犬



    I would recommend another hospital rather than going here. A few years ago, when I went to see a dermatologist because my hives were so bad, the female doctor told me that this cream worked! Doesn't my skin look beautiful? ? Try touching it with your hands! I started talking to myself and decided that I couldn't get better, so I decided to give up and go to another hospital. I thought I would never come again, but my asthma started to get worse a few months ago, and the hospital that took care of me had a machine malfunction, so I wrote a letter of referral to the welfare hospital, but the internal medicine doctor's treatment was terrible. It has passed. I did a thorough examination, but I couldn't find the cause, so what should I do to the doctor who treated me? If you ask me, you won't know even if I tell you! ! I got angry. What are you a doctor for? ? ? Aren't the doctors here only boastful or overbearing? ? I even think so.

  • megumi n・

    megumi n・


    ⭐️I don't even want to include one, but the nurse on the 4th floor is a salary thief. I don't even do what the teacher tells me to do. They don't even care for the patients and leave them alone... Even though the patient's condition is bad, they are too lazy to look at them. It wasn't like this in the past, but there may not be any decent nurses out there! The teacher is good, but it's a shame!

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