西の丘やすだ歯科クリニック i Fukuoka




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Japan, 〒819-0046 Fukuoka, Nishi Ward, Nishinooka, 2-chōme−2−12 1F
kontakter telefon: +81 92-894-6480
internet side: www.yasuda-dc.jp
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 33.568991, Longitude: 130.298498

kommentar 5

  • チャンバーヒロ



    My regret is that I didn't come across this dental clinic sooner. If you evaluate everything else using this as the standard, the others will be nothing but crap. Considering the negative aspects, the anesthesia technique is average. But all you have to do is tell them to make sure the anesthesia doesn't hurt. There are dentists who are good at administering anesthesia, even if you're not.

  • たぬきたぬき



    I think it's a good place because they don't require unnecessarily prolonged treatment or require too many X-rays! The teacher was also very kind, but it was really nice to hear some jokes from time to time (o^^o)

  • Kasumi Sou

    Kasumi Sou


    The doctors and hygienists are kind and the clinic is clean. It's amazing that the doctor's anesthesia didn't hurt at all! And I was surprised at how fast the treatment was. It would be helpful if you could watch the children as well.

  • A A

    A A


    I changed to this school about 2 years ago because my father used to go there, but I regret that I should have changed sooner. Compared to my previous dental clinic, the technology is very high and the treatment fees are low. I look forward to your continued support. This is a recommended dental clinic.

  • ajion



    I've been to many different dentists, but this one is the best. I had a tooth that other dentists told me would have to be extracted, but when I went to see Yasuda, they decided to try it without extracting the tooth, and I have been using it for over two years without any problems. The teachers' skills are amazing, the staff are nice, and it's a very easy place to go.

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