小天狗さんろじ i Shimonoseki



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5153 Toyourachō Ōaza Kawatana, Shimonoseki, Yamaguchi 759-6301, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 83-772-0227
internet side: koteng-sanroji.com
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Latitude: 34.137034, Longitude: 130.9389425

kommentar 5

  • Naomi Kyo

    Naomi Kyo


    It's a wonderful place, I can't say enough about it. There aren't many rooms with private open-air baths, so solo travelers will be happy to have one bed and not take up too much space. The number will continue to increase, and hot springs are fun even when you're alone.

  • ryuuguu



    First visit on April 2023. It was a nice space worth the price. The food is also very delicious. Each room has a different layout and open-air bath, so Next time I want to try a different room.

  • T TAKE

    T TAKE


    I wanted to go to a hot spring for the first time in a while, so I looked for a place where I could relax and went to Sanroji. Although it was raining lightly, it was a nice atmosphere. All rooms are separate and have open-air baths, so it's a good place to relax. Although the building is a few years old, the room was spacious. It's nice to have separate bedrooms. We also enjoyed a wide variety of dishes. Breakfast has a lot of variety, so it's okay to skip lunch. I think the balance between accommodation cost and quality was good.

  • Hiro



    The room with an open-air bath was very quiet and I had an elegant time 😄 It also had floor heating, so I didn't need an air conditioner. ``That's personal (lol)'' It was really comfortable 🖐 Is the amount of dinner not enough? I thought so, but it wasn't like that at all, I was so full that I didn't need breakfast, but the breakfast was delicious and I ate it all lol All the employees were kind and courteous, and it was a very comfortable place. I want to come again✋

  • 소재민



    ,,goood meals and good to healing

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