仙台 広瀬通り立町デンタル (矯正歯科/ホワイトニング/セラミック) w Sendai

Japonia仙台 広瀬通り立町デンタル (矯正歯科/ホワイトニング/セラミック)



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Japan, 〒980-0822 Miyagi, Sendai, Aoba Ward, Tachimachi, 1−3 広瀬通東武ビル 1F 矯正歯科 セラミック ホワイトニング 安い おすすめ
kontakt telefon: +81 22-395-8444
strona internetowej: ht-dent.jp
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 38.2619967, Longitude: 140.867313

komentarze 5

  • 山田太郎



    It won't heal!

  • Yusuf f

    Yusuf f


  • Hiro Kaji

    Hiro Kaji


    I came here recommended by a friend. He clearly explained the pros and cons of each treatment method and made me feel at ease. Best of all, whitening is affordable! ︎

  • amu tmo

    amu tmo


    The interior was elaborate and stylish, but that's secondary as it has nothing to do with the actual treatment. I don't know if the doctor is polite or if he's slow, but the explanations are so long...I have to choose a treatment plan (type) etc. at various points, but even though I don't know what to do, he just keeps explaining to me. But personally it was stressful. In any case, if someone doesn't say to me with confidence, ``This treatment is the best choice!'' or ``This is the second choice!'', I'll actually feel anxious... And the assistant? A hygienist? ? I guess, she seemed very arrogant (at first I thought she was a female doctor! I felt relieved), so I was so bossy that I was left with a bad impression. I'm disappointed and disappointed because I misunderstood that it was a female doctor. I think it would be nice to at least say something like, ``This is my assistant, ◯◯, please show me this before the teacher comes''... He suddenly came and said things like ``I'm going to knock you down'' and ``please gargle with me''... I felt like the initial consultation fee was a waste, but I decided to go to another clinic.

  • M H

    M H


    Recommended whitening dental clinic in Sendai

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