Kitasendaitanakashika Tanakakodomo Dental Clinic w Sendai

JaponiaKitasendaitanakashika Tanakakodomo Dental Clinic



🕗 godziny otwarcia

4-3 Shōwamachi, Aoba Ward, Sendai, Miyagi 981-0913, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 22-779-5263
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 38.2797253, Longitude: 140.869379

komentarze 5

  • さとう(プリ)



    I've been going here for years. Everyone here, including the teachers, is kind. It's not wrong that it takes time like other reviews say, but I think it's a very reliable dentist. Anyway, the teacher is wonderful! If you have a disability, please come along. Recommended.

  • Hi Yo

    Hi Yo


    Even though I had made an appointment, I had to wait 30 minutes in the waiting room, then more than an hour for the X-ray, and then another 1.5 to 2 hours for the treatment to begin. At the reception, they answer the phone during the oral interview, so I wonder what's going on. I had doubts. The treatment is simple and takes about 5 to 10 minutes under anesthesia. I felt that the reception staff, dental assistants, and dental hygienists were not considerate or kind to the patients who were kept waiting for a long time, and I think this is the only time.

  • ハナ



    I saw that some people have childcare qualifications. I went there, but when the treatment started Three people are holding me down and putting metal fittings on me. I cried so hard that I was sobbing. Since then, I thought it would be traumatic if things continued like this. I'm going to a different dentist. At first, I was so traumatized that I cried so hard that I could even lie down, but now I go to the dentist. It has since healed. Honestly, I personally don't recommend this place for children. However, someone with child care qualifications will look after it. I think it's good for parents with children. It is very helpful for my parents to watch over me during treatment.

  • Lover Anime

    Lover Anime


    It's difficult to make a reservation by phone. There are many times when I can't connect. Even if you go around your reservation time, you will have to wait about 30 minutes. The explanation of the treatment is thorough and that's good. As mentioned in other people's reviews, the dental hygienist only brushes the teeth by brushing them. It's tough if you don't open your mouth wide.

  • 大森英知



    I think it's very good to have a children's space or have a qualified childcare worker look after your children. I sent my 3-year-old child to the hospital because I suspected he had cavities, but the dental hygienist couldn't detect it, and it wasn't until I saw a doctor that he noticed it. I was also brushing my teeth, but rather than brushing each tooth carefully, I felt like I should just brush all of my teeth. I felt sorry for the child who was trying so hard to open his mouth. I understand that the child is 3 years old, but I wish they would have been more careful.

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