Wesutamaruki Nishiwariten w Ube

JaponiaWesutamaruki Nishiwariten



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Japan, 〒759-0204 Yamaguchi, Ube, 大字Tsumazakigaisaku, 西割971−1
kontakt telefon: +81 836-44-3006
strona internetowej: marukijapan.co.jp
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.974536, Longitude: 131.208616

komentarze 5

  • 俊昭藤山



    The manager here is boring, I can't see any motivation, I think he's the worst even in the Maruki group, the store has no ambition.

  • T Y

    T Y


    I recently moved to a new place and started using this service, but the cashiers were talking too much to each other, and I guess they were just getting off work, so they just kept talking and ignoring the people in line when they were paying. Also, I thought I could buy Yakult 1000 in the morning and went to buy it, but right in front of me I saw an employee put everything in a transparent bag and take it to the back of the side dishes. Well, I thought, but the employee at the cash register was also laughing, so I thought that's what the employees here do all the time. Are you selling products for employees, not for customers? The female employees are really the worst compared to other Marukis. I don't want to give even 1 star.

  • Eiji “JI4AFV” Agawa

    Eiji “JI4AFV” Agawa


    If you can get around by car, there are many large supermarkets just a short drive away, but in this neighborhood, it's a valuable place that you can walk to. It's nice that it's not too crowded so you can shop smoothly.

  • 田中康二



    It's not particularly cheap either. The inside of the store is small. A mess. The selection of products is also not good. But the biggest reason is the attitude of the staff. There's just an old woman standing at the cash register. It's not customer service. I take it for granted that I don't say "Welcome," "Sorry for keeping you waiting," and "Thank you." Hand over the change and receipt with one hand. They chatted with the regulars and pretended they didn't know each other even when they were standing in line. Yumeya Cosmos is definitely better. Also, there were a lot of disappointed moms and older women in minivans who forcibly cut in to tell us that they had priority in the parking lot, making it a very unfriendly group of customers.

  • Jack Tambunan channel

    Jack Tambunan channel


    Yeah grocery shopping...

najbliższy Supermarket

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