Westa Maruki Nakagawa w Sanyoonoda

JaponiaWesta Maruki Nakagawa



🕗 godziny otwarcia

2-chōme-5-21 Nakagawa, Sanyoonoda, Yamaguchi 756-0806, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 836-83-2469
strona internetowej: marukijapan.co.jp
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.98591, Longitude: 131.1779017

komentarze 5

  • リロリロ



    Even among Marukis, I hate it by far. I know it's going to be busy during lunchtime on Saturdays and Sundays, so I only have two cash registers open, and the line is frustrating. Considering the size of the store, four tables should be open during the day and during busy evenings. I want people to follow ALC's example. The employees are also the worst. Odango-san, who wears heavy make-up, wanders around the cash register but doesn't even enter the cash register and is so absorbed in chatting with customers and employees that she isn't working.

  • Okinawa Essay

    Okinawa Essay


    The vegetables and meat were cheap and fresh.

  • なにかしら頑張ろう。



    The customer service is extremely poor, with an old woman wearing heavy make-up and curling her side hair that sticks out in a bun. Attitudes change depending on the customer. The person who said "I took ○○" had typed the wrong amount, and when I realized it at the soccer table, I pulled back and went to say it, but there was no apology. Just type it out again.

  • Niki Log

    Niki Log


    Encountered a cashier who behaved extremely rudely. It seems that there is no employee training, but please pay "edy" If you make the request, he will ask you to put your card on the Felica terminal first. “That’s not right, let me display the processing details first.” When I asked him, he answered back. After further processing (this is during the processing of purchased items) A voice of complaint. As mentioned in other reviews, there is a minimum number of employees and trainers. It is imagined that there is.

  • ゆっき〜



    This store has a farm-fresh corner, so you can buy flowers and vegetables that last a long time.

najbliższy Supermarket

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