West Sakura en Sakura

JapónWest Sakura



🕗 horarios

Japan, 〒285-0817 Chiba, Sakura, Ōsakidai, 4-chōme−1−1
contactos teléfono: +81 43-481-2671
sitio web: www.shop-west.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.7064828, Longitude: 140.2198891

comentarios 5

  • Masaaki Takasaki

    Masaaki Takasaki


    It is easily accessible by car as it is located on the corner of an intersection with a large signboard in blue letters. Raw soba is the same price for up to 3 balls, and you can easily eat 3 balls of zaru soba. The kakiage was very delicious and was served in tempura sauce. I like that the soba choko is made of ceramic.

  • 小林広太



    The soba noodles were delicious. The price was the same for all three balls, but it felt like it was less. If you buy it from the ticket vending machine near the entrance, they will cook it for you. Wait at your seat until the number written on your ticket is called. This is a self-service store from the time you enter the entrance until you exit. Drinks, soba soup, and towels are all provided by yourself. Other than cooking and passing the gate, the staff are not involved.

  • Aki



    unbelievable price!

  • Boyd Batoctoy

    Boyd Batoctoy


    chilled soba with all the right toppings and sauce was yummy.

  • Jeff Kaulbach

    Jeff Kaulbach


    Nice restaurant. Noodles

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