Ristorante Castello en Sakura

JapónRistorante Castello



🕗 horarios

1567-2 Usui, Sakura, Chiba 285-0863, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 43-489-8951
sitio web: ristorante-castello.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.7306137, Longitude: 140.1885528

comentarios 5

  • Breughel Macabuhay

    Breughel Macabuhay


    I was looking for a good place to celebrate my wife's birthday but never found a restaurant with an ambiance and dinner courses around the same price as Ristorante Castello. The dinner courses may seem a bit pricey but the with ambiance of the place and service of the staffs, not to mention the superb taste of the food, all of those combined, for my entire family we consider it more than worth it. This is the 3rd time we celebrated a family event and definitely it's not going to be the last! My teenage children said they don't mind if we celebrate every family special event here.

  • ocean blue

    ocean blue


    Nice restaurant

  • Cees van Heemert

    Cees van Heemert


    Superb food and great service!

  • John Bamforth

    John Bamforth


    Extensive menu choices for food and wine. Attentive service and everything we ate was well prepared, explained and described by staff, and very tasty.

  • Brandon Zahn

    Brandon Zahn



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