Watanabe Dental Clinic i Sapporo

JapanWatanabe Dental Clinic



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Japan, 〒062-0934 Hokkaido, Sapporo, Toyohira Ward, Hiragishi 4 Jō, 13-chōme−3−16 第2吉智ビル
kontakter telefon: +81 11-813-4544
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 43.026489, Longitude: 141.371646

kommentar 5

  • さいとうなつみ



    When I went to sleep at the dentist's office, I got dizzy when I turned on my back, but they didn't do anything to help me, so I was always scared. The dentist I went to before took precautions and created an environment where I could sit down, but Watanabe Dental Clinic told me to do my best even though I was scared. I was shocked.

  • ヨヨヨヨヨヨ



    My tooth suddenly became loose, so when I tried to contact him by phone, he said, ``They're fully booked and the appointment will be in a week.'' I was taken aback. Why wait a week even though it's shaky? Normally dentists require reservations, but don't they also have slots set aside for emergency patients? Doctors shouldn't refuse patients. By the way, I had previously called with severe tooth pain and was told "in a week." This is the first time I've ever been to a dentist who refused on the same day because I had a toothache. I think it's a lie to say it's fully booked. They probably don't want to see first-time or emergency patients. But this is illegal, right? There are a lot of good reviews, but aren't they impersonating the staff? Edit: What I wrote is true. There are people who say you're crazy or rude, but you're the cherry on the cake. There are many good dentists in Tokyo. Maybe the dentist you chose was just not good?

  • もふもふ



    I visited the hospital because the covering on my back tooth had fallen off. The covering is temporary for the time being. The tooth under the crown has a cavity. The explanation of the treatment was that after the cleaning, the gingivitis would be treated, and then the cavities would be treated. Only a few items were cleaned that day. I calculated that I would have to go there 8 times just for cleaning. After that, when it comes to treating gingivitis, how many years will it be before cavities can be treated or a new crown can be placed? Should I leave the cavities alone until then? When I asked the assistant, he hesitated. I was given a file explaining gingivitis and tooth brushing. Just an explanation of its contents. No answers to questions. The explanation was incomprehensible, such as leaving cavities untreated and having the dentist come in for months only for cleanings.




    Some people are making the worst comments It's crazy. The best dentist I've ever been to. I grew up in Tokyo and now live in Hokkaido. He is the kindest and most thorough dentist I have ever had. This is the first time I've met a dentist who was so thorough. I made a reservation over the phone and was able to make a reservation on the same day. I recommend this dentist for people around Minami Hiragishi Station. it's the best. last time, I went to the dentist in front of 2nd Street in Hiragishi. The tooth was extracted, but a small tooth remained, and the director was completely negligent. There are dentists like that.

  • S S

    S S


    The teacher is a very nice person and is very gentle when giving instructions to the assistants. I got the impression that it was not just in front of the patient, but also on a regular basis. Of course, the assistants are all kind and friendly people. I have never felt any pain during treatment here. I can confidently recommend it to my family, friends, and acquaintances! ️ You will never change dentists in your life! ️

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