Watanabe Dental Clinic en Yuki

JapónWatanabe Dental Clinic


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2427 Gosuke, Yuki, Ibaraki 307-0006, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 296-34-8811
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 36.3050896, Longitude: 139.8537349

comentarios 5

  • ななしな



    I'm having a hard time finding a new dentist, so I've been going to see them for a long time, but both the doctor and the dental assistant's voices are so low that I can't really understand what they're saying. Especially the teacher. But I think he's probably a good person who doesn't try too hard. I'm sure my assistant is saying bad things about it behind my back. (That's what the dentist's atmosphere is like) And will it still take? ! The treatment took a long time, and I was finally able to only make reservations once a month. Above all, even though I had a reservation at 10 o'clock, I was called at 10:30. Well, let me make a reservation for 10:30 from the beginning. Isn't it just the skill of the receptionist who takes reservations?

  • 姓名



    No matter how many times you visit us for treatment, each time your teeth are scraped and you are scheduled for the next appointment. Neither my doctor nor the receptionist explained how many more treatments I would need. I recommend not going if you don't want to waste your money.

  • yohko nakjima

    yohko nakjima


    The reviews on Google are unusually poor, but I've been to various dentists since I was a child, and this dentist is really kind and skilled. It is a gentle and careful treatment that is far from violent. He didn't give up and treated my cavities, which no dentist could do (*´∀`)♪ He is not a profit-oriented person, but rather cares about his patients. The dental hygienist is also nice and the receptionist is beautiful and efficient. It seems that the treatment table has been updated, but the cleaning of the small parts has not been done thoroughly and I am concerned about the dust. Please improve that much. I wholeheartedly recommend it.

  • インコりりあん



    As mentioned in other posts, I experienced immediate pain after having my tooth treated for cavities at this dental clinic, so I was told by another dentist that the treatment was terrible. It's the worst thing to delete a bad reputation (ب_ب) I was horrified that the way he spoke and his lack of facial expressions combined with the horrifying story that I later heard from an acquaintance about how this dentist was supposed to be a person, and the comments from others made me doubt his humanity. . I will never go there again.

  • レモンママ



    Previously, I had a filling removed and visited this clinic nearby. The place I went to before took X-rays and treated cavities, but this one didn't do that at all. They colored my back teeth red and told me that all the red areas were cavities! It was lightly scraped without anesthesia and then covered with resin. Until then, I only had cavities in two silver teeth, but all 12 places on the left, right, top, and bottom of my canine teeth were chipped away, making my bite bad. During the treatment, I kept saying, ``The bite doesn't fit,'' but he said, ``That's not true, right?'' I consulted with a dental hygienist I know, and he said, ``We'll take proper X-rays to detect cavities, and we'll only remove the surface without anesthesia.'' Isn't it because you want insurance points? There's no way you can't get your bite properly aligned!'' I went to a different dentist later and was told, ``This was unnecessary treatment. I'll never have to get the teeth that I shaved off again.'' Since it won't come back, I'd really like a treatment that doesn't remove it as much as possible,'' and I was able to straighten my bite in one go. I will never go again. I wrote a review before, but it disappeared, so I wonder what's going on.

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