きらり歯科 en Oyama




🕗 horarios

Japan, 〒323-0820 Tochigi, Oyama, Nishijōnan, 2-chōme−29−12
contactos teléfono: +81 285-37-9366
sitio web: www.kirari-shika.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 36.2953864, Longitude: 139.8039432

comentarios 5

  • レレレのれー



    Thank you for your help over the years. I think the doctor's policy of ``treating without causing pain'' is wonderful. All the hygienists are also very nice. The receptionist used to be very businesslike and not very pleasant. Student? It looked like... I thought it was still better than the sloppy office-style medical administration at the private clinics in the area. I think the current receptionist is very nice. It looks like the flaws are gone.

  • s T

    s T


    The dentist I used to go to took me many times and it took about a year to fix one tooth, which made me feel bad, but when I changed to Kirari, it was fixed right away. I felt that he was a conscientious dentist. The building is new and clean, and the waiting room is comfortable. I'm thinking of visiting you again for cleaning.

  • Rin



    He is a dentist I can recommend for preventive dentistry. While most regular checkups are booked for 30 minutes, here our dental hygienist will carefully remove plaque and tartar over an hour. Reservations tend to fill up especially in the evening, and reservations are made about a month in advance. As others have written, the woman at the reception desk ignores me even when I greet her and enter. I thought he couldn't hear me, so I tried to greet him again, but he ignored me. This did not happen in one visit. They will tell you to take care of yourself. -1 for the impression of the reception. postscript) It seems that the receptionist has changed. This time he greets me properly, and he seems to be working diligently even when no one is looking at me. Therefore, I increased the ☆.

  • 匿名希望



    The clinic is clean and the staff are all kind and polite. However, my tooth, which I had been receiving treatment for, follow-up observation, and regular check-ups, suddenly started to hurt, so when I called, I was told that they would not be able to treat me until a month later. I knew it was popular, and I could totally understand why they couldn't get reservations, but I was surprised because this was the first time I'd been unable to get first aid. I'm afraid to go to the dentist who is told that emergency treatment will not be available for a month if I have pain. I hurried to find my current dentist, and when I called him in case it didn't work, he was able to see me in between appointments, and even though he's so popular, he managed to schedule an appointment and start treatment within a month. It seems that the tooth that is hurting should have already deteriorated by the time of the regular check-up. I've been going to my current dentist for four years now, and nothing like this has ever happened. Choosing a dentist is difficult.




    Disappointing reception. I made an appointment and arrived at the scheduled time, but was told that I could not be examined because the next patient was already there. Even though the reservation time was specified by the other party. When I told them about this, the receptionist did not have the skills to respond and was unable to confirm or apologize. From the beginning, I only recommend talking with the wrong body. There was a problem with reservation management, and although it was unavoidable that I couldn't get a checkup due to time constraints, the attitude was very bad. I was also adjusting my vacation time, but it ended up being a waste of time. As other reviews have said, you can't expect great reception. Since I go to another dentist, I won't have any problems in the future, but if you are planning to make an appointment in the future, it would be a good idea to check the time frequently. At the end, I said, ``I'm sorry about what happened this time, so I don't want to send you any more information about medical examinations,'' but the receptionist just said, ``Okay.'' Until the end, I felt like it wasn't my fault. It's a shame because the advantage is that it's close and I've been going there for a long time.

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