Watai Dental Clinic i Fuji

JapanWatai Dental Clinic



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78-2 Gokanjima, Fuji, Shizuoka 416-0946, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 545-64-3400
internet side: wdc.jp
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Latitude: 35.1351692, Longitude: 138.6501139

kommentar 5

  • 稲田浩太郎



    It's a shame that things have changed so much lately. I don't feel like going there anymore because I feel like it's a scam to make a mouthpiece or get white essence. Moreover, he strongly recommends it so I don't feel like going. 10,000 yen just for cleaning... I visited another doctor.

  • Mussels



    I think it's a good hospital. If you make a reservation, there will be almost no waiting time. The staff are also kind and courteous. The anesthesia was so painless that I wondered if it was over yet. Treatment explanations are easy to understand with photos, so even a layperson can understand. It was nice to have it nearby.

  • 堂珍フジオカ



    I've been here for a while now, and the girls on the staff are kind, and the director provides accurate diagnosis and treatment. I thought it was very easy to get to. I'm surprised that some people are making comments that make it seem like harassment because they suddenly went without making an appointment and were turned away even though it was their first visit. It says that there were no patients, but every time I go there, there are other patients. If you suddenly show up without an appointment, you'll be interrupting a patient who already has an appointment, right? I always make an appointment, but I don't have to wait too long to be seen. But if we let such a selfish patient in, that means those with reservations will have to wait, right? Don't you think that people who suddenly come with this in mind will be turned away? In the first place, they say they require reservations, so I think it would have been better to make a reservation and then call them and ask if they could see me even if it was an emergency. When you go for your first visit, you will need to take X-rays, so I think it will take longer than usual treatment. Well, I can't say anything because I don't know what the receptionist said. However, I wrote this because I thought that the reviews that dismissed me, who suddenly went without making a reservation or calling, were the wrong ones. I would highly recommend him as he is a dentist that I will continue to look after.

  • スターリリー



    I have not received a medical examination. The reception was the worst. The first visit was an emergency. I didn't know where to park, so I asked, and was told it was across the road, so I told them that I wanted to park again and was about to leave, but when I went back and told them that I was just going to check in, I was told that this was my first visit. Do you have a reservation? It is impossible to do anything other than making a reservation. They said. Even after re-parking and returning, I realized that the receptionist was inflexible and insensitive. If you're just sitting there without thinking about anything, I think it's fine to just leave a ticket machine. Even though there was a lot of time left for the consultation, there were no patients. What did you do even though you weren't busy? I was turned away at the door without a single word. I can understand that there are no patients. I had no choice but to look for the next hospital in a hurry and it turned out to be very good, so I would like to thank them for letting me find such a good hospital.

  • ゆみにゃ



    Since I moved in, I have had a full oral examination. The other day, I had my partial dentures remade, and my bite has become much better, and I can now eat deliciously. I think the doctors, hygienists, technicians, all of them are very good overall. I have been examined by two doctors so far, and both doctors are accurate and speedy in their judgments. We will treat your pain to a minimum. The people at the reception are very courteous and I feel very comfortable visiting the hospital.

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