Hasegawa Dental Clinic i Fuji

JapanHasegawa Dental Clinic



🕗 åbningstider

132-15 Iwamoto, Fuji, Shizuoka 416-0901, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 545-65-6600
internet side: dent-hasegawa.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 35.1765654, Longitude: 138.6399111

kommentar 5

  • まんまるにゃんこ



    At my teacher's recommendation, I had my silver tooth removed and had another silver tooth inserted. I had been in pain for several days and was told that I should treat my other teeth in the same way, so I made an appointment, but the area that was treated was so painful that I went to another dentist. I think it would be nice if you could explain a little more about the risks of silver teeth. Every time I go to a different dentist, they always point out that the treated area has a black shadow on X-rays. It may be a miracle, but it didn't suit me.

  • to sa

    to sa


    From the first time I received treatment, I was pleasantly surprised. Every time I went there, I was impressed by the teacher's miraculous work and personality. My tooth was seriously diseased, but during the treatment I felt not only no pain, but a gentle sensation of healing, and before I knew it, the treatment was over. Even with the anesthetic injection, it doesn't hurt and you can't even tell if you've been stabbed or not. I was able to receive the treatment with peace of mind without feeling any pain, psychological fear, or pressure. The image of a dental clinic has completely changed. It was my first time to visit such a comfortable dental clinic. After I fell ill, I went on a break, and since then I haven't been in the city often, but I'm very grateful for that.

  • 藤井拓真



    He carefully looks at the situation inside my mouth and gives a sympathetic explanation. I'm a worrier, so I ask about small details, but the teachers give me detailed answers, so I feel at ease!

  • Francesca Flores

    Francesca Flores


    Incredible service, friendly, efficient, and amazingly considerate. Staff can speak English too, which is always a plus! Highly recommended!

  • ユニコーンチャンネル



    excellent dentist !

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