万彩工房 i Kikuchi




🕗 åbningstider

1121-13 Waifu, Kikuchi, Kumamoto 861-1331, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 968-24-1889
internet side: mansai.jimdosite.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 32.9839358, Longitude: 130.8156252

kommentar 5

  • My



    A shop I've been interested in for a while I made a reservation online, but at the entrance there was a sign that said ``Today's reservation''... I entered the store wondering if I could make a reservation. I was able to make a reservation properly. Order online using Imadoki's QR code It wasn't that cheap, but each item was carefully made and very delicious. I was really interested in the hotpot and other menu items, so I'll see you next time.

  • 住吉桂志



    I used it for entertainment. All the dishes were delicious and stylish, and the fish in the sashimi platter was fresh and amazing! ! I'm glad that the customer was satisfied too! I heard that motsu nabe is delicious, so next time I would like to go eat motsu nabe!

  • chan son

    chan son


    I had roast deer as a game dish, but it didn't have a distinctive odor that made me think it was beef, and it was delicious ♬ The other dishes were also my favorite flavors and I was full😊

  • Hh Ng

    Hh Ng


    Uncle stumbled into this hidden gem as all the other popular restaurants in the area were full or closed. Was pleasantly surprised by the food here. The pork shabu shabu was excellent and the pork was melt in your mouth delicious. There were also a huge veggie basket to go along with the pork shabu shabu to make my meal healthier. The staff were also super friendly and kind and even gave us a folded crane to wish us a safe trip. It's little gestures like this that makes Japan such a wonderful place!

  • Pixel 7Pro

    Pixel 7Pro


    The advantage is that business hours are relatively long in this area. It's basically an izakaya menu, but the appeal is that they have T-bone steaks. I get the impression that they have a good variety of alcoholic beverages. It's usually delicious, but it's expensive.

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