魚勢 i Kumamoto




🕗 åbningstider

2-chōme-3-11 Hanatate, Higashi Ward, Kumamoto, 861-2118, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 96-369-6959
internet side: kumamoto-uosei.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 32.779436, Longitude: 130.774571

kommentar 5

  • ぷるん



    Natural connoisseur bowl average ¥1300 I had it at a table. The vinegared rice and fresh sashimi were both delicious! The balance of quantity was also just right. Also, the soy sauce was sweet and delicious, and the charred soy sauce from Ashikita got me excited. I'm very satisfied. Thank you for the meal. I'll visit you again.

  • トシアキ



    The young clerk at the reception desk was nice, but the other people were shockingly unfriendly... Everything is self-service, and there is a huge discrepancy between price and service. … I expected the freshness of the restaurant as it was attached to a fresh fish store, so I ordered the seafood bowl that I often see on social media.Maybe it was a bad Tuesday, the day before the store's holiday, but the boiled sweet shrimp with black tails was served with a bowl of rice. I pulled it. I wonder if I can eat fresh food on weekends when the turnover rate is good? It's a shame because there were many good take-home items sold at stores...

  • 中山さん



    Came here at noon on a Sunday. Parking is available around the store. There was space, so I parked on the Lawson side. The store was divided into an eat-in space and a fish sales space, with a cash register in the back. To order, there is a ticket vending machine with a monitor, and you issue a ticket there and order at the cash register in the back. When your ticket is ready, you will be called by the ticket number and you will go to the cash register in the back to pick it up. Although the inside of the store is old, the tables and chairs were kept clean and comfortable. I ordered a large three-color bowl for 1,400 yen. I was called within a few minutes without having to wait that long. It was plentiful, the fish was fresh, and I was very satisfied. The mozuku soup was also good.

  • pingu hk

    pingu hk


    If you are driving and what to eat fresh fish for lunch. This is a good cheap restaurant. They don't speak English that well and no English menu but they do have photos of each dish so it is easy to order. Inside the restaurant they do have a small fish market, which I got 2 fresh fish and got them to cook it which was not on their menu. The fish is very fresh and sweet, but the Uni rice bowl was not so good. The staff is very nice and tried very hard to help us which I thank them.

  • Philip Atentar

    Philip Atentar


    The best foods ever

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