Wakayama Champon Chujiro en Wakayama

JapónWakayama Champon Chujiro



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2-chōme-13-16 Ōda, Wakayama, 640-8323, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 73-475-1110
sitio web: www.chushinya.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.2321622, Longitude: 135.1952544

comentarios 5

  • Wang Wang

    Wang Wang


    This is an izakaya that sells ramen called "chanpon." The flavor of the ramen was ordinary, not very tasty, and the fried ramen was even saltier. Not only was the food awful, but even when the store was not crowded, I had to wait for more than 30 minutes. All I could see was the staff playing with their cell phones and chatting with each other. They just insisted on not serving the food and kept the customers waiting.

  • Chia Lee Neoh

    Chia Lee Neoh


    Fantastic and tasty dinner!

  • Javin Yam

    Javin Yam


    A nicely decorated Champon noodle restaurant. The noodle has tasty soup and lots of vegetable.

  • Neil McDonald

    Neil McDonald


    This is listed as a ramen shop but they serve champon which is a noodle dish speciality in Nagasaki. The food here is nice, the portions are big and it also has an all you can drink plan for only 980 yen/hour. We had 2 regular sized vegetable champons and shared a portion of gyoza and it came to about 2000 yen. I was pretty full after the meal. The restaurant is now all non smoking and they have a good dinner menu too.

  • Martin Ng

    Martin Ng


    Tasty with thick soup. Ramen that goes with veg. Please book you table in advance before public holidays

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