Osaka Ohsho Hanshin Imazu Ekimae en Nishinomiya

JapónOsaka Ohsho Hanshin Imazu Ekimae



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Japan, 〒663-8215 Hyogo, Nishinomiya, Imazuakebonochō, 1−1 エキーマ今津 1F
contactos teléfono: +81 798-22-0375
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.7308009, Longitude: 135.3513429

comentarios 5

  • 平伸介



    I suddenly had a craving for green pepper meat soup so I stopped by and it was delicious. I was thankful that they served me a proper astragalus root instead of a weird spoonful that was hard to eat.

  • H O

    H O


    Osho's black Chinese noodles from Takaida, Higashiosaka I love Takaida Ramen in Higashiosaka. I can't count how many bowls I ate. There are three shops that I like. They are a little different. I've been eating it for over 30 years. I went there with some expectations. It had a slightly bitter taste, with a hint of soy sauce. I don't know if the chicken stock was weak and the pork content was high, but it was a little different. The char siu is excellent. The soup is thick, so I would like the green onions to be a little thicker. I would like the menma to be improved as well. The noodles were a little hard and had less water content, which was good. I will go again. This is just my personal opinion. Please for your reference.

  • kaho 0806

    kaho 0806


    Description ② Before the evening of Friday, September 10, 2021, I took out the Chinese bowl and chicken karaage in a convenience store bag, and it was still piping hot and delicious even after 20 minutes. Description ① The Chinese bowl is delicious and full of vegetables. I always order the fried chicken and gyoza, which are crispy on the outside and juicy on the inside. Osaka Champon also warms your body in the winter, and the noodles here are filled with plenty of vegetables, so it's very satisfying👍💕 ⚠Unfortunately, if there are smokers around 😃🚬💨Even though I'm always eating, I feel smokey and smelly. If I don't smoke all the time, I think the food will be more delicious. Also, with the reduced tax rate, take-out is supposed to remain at 8%, so I wonder if the price will increase opportunistically?? 💦 Even if I take it home, everything except the gyoza has increased in price by about ¥50 🍥 I'm feeling kind of disappointed ⭐️ I got 3 pieces 💦 If things were improved ⭐️ it would be 5 pieces 🤣

  • Tennille Richards

    Tennille Richards


    Good food, good prices.

  • Nomnom Yuriko

    Nomnom Yuriko


    Its delicious and fit if you very hungry here~~ one giant cahan for two people allow!

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