Wadakura Fountain Park i Chiyoda-ku

JapanWadakura Fountain Park



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Søndagåben 24 timer
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Japan, 〒100-0002 Tōkyō-to, Chiyoda-ku, Kōkyogaien, 3−1
kontakter telefon: +81 3-3231-5509
internet side: fng.or.jp
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 35.6834463, Longitude: 139.7608526

kommentar 5

  • Fred C

    Fred C


    Beautiful park with pleasant water fountain chilling the area. Worth a stop!

  • jagg stellar

    jagg stellar


    Very happy stumbling on this place a beautiful place to stop at and take pics, rest, and bathroom.

  • Craig Wallace

    Craig Wallace


    The park itself is quite small and quiet but it is very close to the main road which is very busy. The water features are nice, but the only seats are on solid stone cylinders with no back support so it is not a good place to come for a rest.

  • claus elsborg

    claus elsborg


    Before visiting the Imperial Palace we stopped by at Wadakura Park to see the fountains it was very nice and beautiful. Relaxing with the sound of water.

  • luciano letteriello

    luciano letteriello


    Across the street from the East Gardens of the Imperial Palace is the Wadakura Fountain Park, which is part of the Kokyogaien National Gardens. The Wadakura Fountain Park was renovated in 1995 to honor the wedding of the Crown Prince and Princess. The original park was built to honor the wedding of the Emperor and Empress in 1961. The water fountains and water fall are all connected to a main fountain via four canals. Please mark this review as Helpful as it deems appropriate.

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