Hibiya Park i Chiyoda

JapanHibiya Park



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1 Hibiyakoen, 千代田区 Chiyoda, Tokyo 100-0012, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 3-3501-6428
internet side: www.tokyo-park.or.jp
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 35.6745022, Longitude: 139.7563931

kommentar 5

  • Ashley Steelefalcon

    Ashley Steelefalcon


    Tokyo has many fantastic parks located all around. This one in particular was a great place to explore and enjoy the springtime blooms.

  • Andrew Chang

    Andrew Chang


    Very nice, quiet park in the middle of Tokyo. If you need a break from exploring the city this is a nice stop with many places to sit and enjoy the gardens

  • Dan Ho

    Dan Ho


    This is an excellent western style park to visit, the atmosphere reminds me of parks in Europe. We chances upon a good festival with different type of local food and beer from all over Japan to sample. The price is slightly high though.

  • Steve Pau

    Steve Pau


    The park is surrounded by tall building. You can fell in different world when you are inside this park. Around the pond, the sakura and Momiji autumn leaves scenery is very good. Very good place to relaxing.

  • Aaminah Khalid

    Aaminah Khalid


    Its a nice park to relax and enjoy your lunch/snack or casually walk around amidst the typical urban compound. There's a small kids park and a fountain to enjoy as well.

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