Matsubayahi Child Clinic i Hamamatsu

JapanMatsubayahi Child Clinic



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1-chōme-15-3 Saiwai, Chūō-ku, Hamamatsu, Shizuoka 433-8123, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 53-412-1234
internet side:
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Latitude: 34.7419651, Longitude: 137.7255653

kommentar 5

  • もぎたて



    It's really the worst. My 7 year old daughter was injured. I took a streptococcus test, but before she was ready, I forced a swab into my daughter's throat and her throat bled. He was always very arrogant without even apologizing. My family's hospital was closed so I regretfully told them, but I really regret it. I definitely don't recommend it if you want to protect your child. At least we won't go there again.

  • n non

    n non


    My family doctor is closed on Thursdays, so I only see my child on Thursday when he gets sick. I went today for the third time, but I won't go again. Last time, my 4-year-old wouldn't wake up until morning no matter how noisy it was once he went to bed, and he woke up in the middle of the night complaining that his ear hurt, so I thought it was definitely otitis media.Since it was a Thursday, I went to see him and he was diagnosed with ``not otitis media.'' Unable to believe it, I went to an otorhinolaryngologist the next day and was naturally diagnosed with otitis media. Is it okay to be a pediatrician who can't spot otitis media? Even though I made an online reservation and was already in line, I had to wait in the waiting room for a long time. There's a sign posted that says your order will be changed depending on your symptoms, but what's the point of being examined 70 minutes after receiving an email saying your turn is almost here? Don't make your kid who is really sick wait that long. What is the reservation order for? I made an online reservation from 13:00 and made a reservation exactly at 13:00, and I was 15th. The examination starts at 15:00 and ends at 16:35 in 1 minute. I'm worried that I might catch another virus because the waiting room is crowded. (I wish they would let me wait in the car and call me.) In order to minimize the doctor's examination time, leave it to the nurses. The nurse's interview just before the consultation, when I thought the doctor had finally arrived, he placed a stethoscope on my chest and back, looked at my throat, said, ``Maybe it's a summer cold...I'll give you some medicine,'' and quickly left. I'm not going anymore. I'm looking for another pediatrician who is available on Thursdays.

  • みるく



    I went to this hospital because my family doctor was closed. The waiting time was short, so that was good, but the response from the teacher and receptionist was not very good, so I'll give it a 3.

  • AYU O

    AYU O


    They were very responsive over the phone, so I used them for vaccinations and health checkups. I am grateful that I can go to the hospital with peace of mind because there is a vaccination quota and I don't have to come into contact with patients who are not feeling well. It may depend on the person, but the nurses are kind and seem to like children, and if you have any questions, they will answer them properly. The teacher speaks in a calm and matter-of-fact manner rather than being friendly. I didn't go to see a doctor out of desperation due to illness, so I still have some peace of mind, but if I didn't have that much time, I'd be depressed and go home. It is difficult to choose a hospital because of the wide range of reviews, whether you just want a cure for your illness, or whether you want someone to be close to your heart, as your compatibility and preferences vary. So I'm giving it 3 stars, taking the middle.

  • 15 Muriel

    15 Muriel


    It is very responsive and the interior is beautiful. Online reservations are possible. However, if there are too many people making reservations, reservations will not be possible even during reception hours. There is a designated time for vaccinations only, and there are no general medical patients, so you can feel safe going during the cold season.

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