Valor Nagara en Gifu

JapónValor Nagara



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2-chōme-45 Nagarahigashi, Gifu, 502-0082, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 58-295-7388
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.4486428, Longitude: 136.7861631

comentarios 5

  • ide pee

    ide pee


    There was a dirty beige thread about 5cm long stuck in the (fish burger with tartar sauce) I bought at the bakery. I thought he had pinched a fly that had fallen on the floor instead of throwing it away, which made me feel nauseous and uncomfortable. This is a store where hygiene management is not possible. I won't buy it again or go to the store again.

  • 1270 チュー

    1270 チュー


    Parking lot is large and good. Self-checkout may be a little difficult for elderly people, but the store staff will assist you. Of course, there is also a manned cash register, so don't worry.

  • ichiro51おきだいじ



    There is plenty of parking and easy access from the main street. It's also convenient when you want to finish your lunch quickly, such as when eating Sugukiya. We are satisfied with the recent average level for a supermarket, the early introduction of self-checkout systems to alleviate congestion, and the ability to easily make small purchases. Original brands are cheap and attractive stores.

  • victor teh

    victor teh


    supermarket with electronic store on the 2nd floor

  • チキンラーメン



    Gifu's supermarkets often offer samples such as mandarin oranges. Is this all year round? ? I am very grateful to be able to check the taste before purchasing. Barrow is so cheap! ! ! drinks in plastic bottles 58 yen 78 yen I can't believe I can buy it! Instant coffee was also cheap, about 40 yen! Sounds good. smile

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