PIAGOpower Myokoji Shop en Ichinomiya

JapónPIAGOpower Myokoji Shop



🕗 horarios

Hakusannishi-3-2 Yamatochō Myōkōji, Ichinomiya, Aichi 491-0922, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 570-009-195
sitio web: www.uny.co.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.2866876, Longitude: 136.7975128

comentarios 5

  • 2666 10993

    2666 10993


    Piago Power Myokoji store is a supermarket located in Ichinomiya City, Aichi Prefecture. On the first floor is the food hall of fame You Store, on the second floor is the clothing store ONE MILE specializing in inner wear, and on the third floor is Powerful Price You Drug and a miscellaneous goods warehouse. The building is old, but it seems like it was renovated in 2021, so it's a beautiful sales floor. DAISO is the tenant on the 4th floor. It's in front of Myokoji Station on the Meitetsu Nagoya Main Line and facing the main road, so I think it's a perfect location, but on weekdays the only places that have a lot of customers are the supermarket on the 1st floor and DAISO on the 4th floor. , the clothing department on the second floor and the drug and daily necessities department on the third floor were quiet. I think the selection in the supermarket part is not bad.

  • Ana Today

    Ana Today


    An extension of the MegaDonki chain, supermarket, drugstore, 100yen shop in one. Ok for your everyday shoppings.

  • vilma sawanami

    vilma sawanami


    low price everyday

  • Rob



    Has a few small food places with ramen and soba. A 100yen shop and a decent bakery. Awesome supermarket!

  • Ai Chi

    Ai Chi


    Reasonable price

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