Valor Handa in Handa

JapanValor Handa



🕗 öffnungszeiten

9 Otsukawayoshinochō, Handa, Aichi 475-0058, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 569-25-0222
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 34.9058596, Longitude: 136.9371878

kommentare 5

  • はふり3



    There are things you can only buy here. I will go even if it is far away. The only drawback is that the entrance has been made difficult to enter as a measure against shoplifting.

  • 山田裕子(ひろこ)



    Sometimes I go shopping. There is a good selection of vegetables, especially the local vegetables that are available right after entering the store, and the quality and price are satisfactory. There is also a sweets corner and a frozen food corner. I highly recommend the Nordic Club bread. However, the layout of the store is complicated and it can be difficult to find what you want. The cash register is also in the back, which is a bit inconvenient.

  • william Kemotsu

    william Kemotsu



  • matusita S

    matusita S


    Renewal opening 🎉 Feels clean and fresh 👍 The vegetable corner has been replaced by a new employee stocking fresh vegetables ⁉️. The fresh fish corner has become larger ❗️ The frozen food corner has also changed the ingredients in the freezer ❓ The variety of bento boxes has increased ❓ There are bento boxes that are a little more expensive 🍱 Looks delicious 😋 The bakery 🥯 has also become larger here. Bread 🍞🥯 It's delicious so I buy it often ❗️ There are a lot of staff and they are very lively 👏👏👏

  • T F

    T F


    Great store!

nächste Supermarkt

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