Epron @ JŌSUI in Toyota

JapanEpron @ JŌSUI



🕗 öffnungszeiten

Minamidaira-170 Jōsuichō, Toyota, Aichi 470-0343, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 565-46-1323
webseite: epron.co.jp
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 35.1170671, Longitude: 137.1387583

kommentare 5

  • こね



    I bought a small crab at a fish shop. They went out of their way to select female eggs (with eggs) and put them in products that lacked nutrition and taste. Thinking she was a girl who didn't know anything, he picked customers and sold them bad products. If you don't carefully examine it before you buy it, you'll be sold something crappy.

  • android user11

    android user11


    Kind service, but something not cheapest.

  • Toshi Tomi

    Toshi Tomi


    I used it on a Saturday afternoon.Maybe because it was closed the next day, there was a discount sticker on it. It's a good shop for working people as it's closed on Sundays. Restaurants that focus on fresh fish will become popular. Compared to other stores, some items are more expensive and some items are cheaper.

  • Vinicius Suzuki

    Vinicius Suzuki


    Excelente mercado, ótimos preços e variedades de itens. Estacionamento muito amplo e de fácil acesso. Destaque especial para a parte de marmitas que são muito gostosas.

  • 小島一人



    We recommend this restaurant as it is fresh and kind, with a wide variety of fresh fish available at low prices, and they will grate the fish in three pieces or remove the internal organs at the customer's request.

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