Utsunomiya Rehabilitation Hospital w Utsunomiya

JaponiaUtsunomiya Rehabilitation Hospital


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43-2 Miyukigaharamachi, Utsunomiya, Tochigi 321-0982, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 28-662-6789
strona internetowej: utsunomiyarh-hp.jp
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Latitude: 36.5909844, Longitude: 139.926865

komentarze 5

  • 和泉佳男



    I took care of him due to the after-effects of a cerebral infarction (hemiparesis), and although the training was certainly tough, he was able to walk normally and leave the hospital after six months from being in a wheelchair. Now that I think about it, I wonder if things will get better if we don't do something like this. I was grateful for the strictness that forced me to do difficult things. All I can say now is gratitude.

  • toru hashimoto

    toru hashimoto


    He was transferred to this hospital as a patient with hemiplegia due to cerebral infarction. It took about a month and a half to heal to the point where I had no problems with my daily life. This is also thanks to all the medical therapists. The nurses and assistants are also kind people.

  • テジちゃん



    Like Yukibon, (2.6) is too low for someone who is taking care of me, so I will write a review. It's true that the age group of those hospitalized was extremely high, the equipment was a bit old, and the food was really terrible. Although there are challenges, the nurses, helpers, and physical therapists have an amazing attitude toward patients, and I think they really think about the patients in their actions. Also, regarding food, when I complained to a nutritionist who looked like Katpan, I was told that he was working on it sincerely. Little by little, it became delicious. Facilities have also been slightly improved. I won't say where, but there are large hospitals with good facilities and good food. From hospitals that don't treat patients as human beings. A hospital that puts patients first I think it's a good hospital. ps.The actual expenses for the TV, refrigerator, and nightwear are a bit steep.

  • 聖悠翔



    This rating (currently 2.5) is a bit too much, so I'll increase it ⭐️ as a thank you for your support and help. This is a convalescent rehabilitation hospital. The aim is to help you quickly return to your daily life after being discharged from the hospital. Although there are many issues to be addressed, I would like to praise the attitude of the nurses, helpers, and therapists in caring for patients. There are only a few doctors, and in many cases the specialist doctor from whom the patient was transferred comes to see them every week. To be honest, the food was terrible, but a nutritionist consulted with us individually, and we were able to change the dairy products and adjust the amount of staple food, and were allowed to bring in anything we felt was lacking. However, the basic nutrition science is old-fashioned, so a certain amount of knowledge, persuasion, and negotiation skills are required here as well. I'm sorry for the bad taste, especially the medicinal smell that comes from the meat ingredients. Some elderly people complained that the taste was so bland that they couldn't eat it, but they also used chemical seasonings, so the taste wasn't extremely bland. However, on days when strong-flavored foods such as curry are served for lunch, people often seem to adjust their daily salt intake by omitting miso soup for the next dinner. They may not know that a low-sodium diet can cause illness, but eating without soup is an insult to Japanese food culture, so why not stop using commercially available curry roux? By the way, there is no soup for lunch, and it is basically milk. Milk is good for patients with broken bones and for the elderly. It can't be helped because they blindly believe in nutritional science created by dairy companies. In addition, processed meat and pre-cooked ingredients are often used, and food additives are often used if they taste bad.Although there are many patients who need to improve their lifestyle habits, it is difficult to see that their eating habits can be improved. It's hard to say. There is no particular consideration given to the quality of fats and oils, and they serve salad oil and even margarine without any hesitation.As if there is no sense of reducing carbohydrates or sugars, they serve candied fruits under the menu ``Fruit.'' Neither Rabbit nor Kaku have any taste in food. The biggest problem other than diet is that many of the patients are elderly, and some of them have dementia. In the first place, when a dementia patient who requires care in daily life is hospitalized due to an injury, the hospital becomes burdened with providing care for the patient. Particularly at night, when there are few hospital staff, the nurse calls may not stop all night depending on the day. Moreover, each standard hospital room has 4 beds. If it is judged that the patient will be a nuisance to other patients, the patient is often moved with the bed to the day room or in front of the nursing center and is left with full-time nursing care. My personal opinion is that such patients should pay an additional fee to be placed in a private room. Honestly, I doubt the nerve of a family that puts four people in a room and leaves them alone to take care of them. Now, about the important rehabilitation. Many of the staff are young, energetic, and eager to learn. There is an affiliated school in Kyushu, so it seems that there are many graduates from there. The school also accepts interns from nearby schools, and has a strong commitment to training therapists. Meanwhile, hospitals are already at full capacity. Is this a type of business where demand will continue to increase? Since the hospital itself is small, I feel that it is better to be selective about the patients it accepts and aim for a hospital with characteristics.

  • 翼史



    My mother was hospitalized for three months. When I went to check on him at night, I found that his bed had been put out in the hallway and he was sleeping there. There was no communication or explanation from the nurse. Staff coordination is not good. The response was also the worst. There are actual expenses for TV, refrigerator, nightwear, etc.

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