Satō Hospital w Utsunomiya

JaponiaSatō Hospital



🕗 godziny otwarcia

3-chōme-1-11 Nishi, Utsunomiya, Tochigi 320-0861, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 28-633-9261
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 36.5559266, Longitude: 139.8790602

komentarze 5

  • T Y

    T Y


    I rarely go to the hospital, so this is my impression based on the fact that I don't know much about modern medical care. I sprained my ankle and was in so much pain that I couldn't sleep at night, so I went to the doctor, but they took an X-ray and said, ``There's nothing wrong with my bones.The only way to investigate further is to do a CT scan.I'll give you some painkillers and a compress.'' ” That was it. I didn't hear anything about it being just a sprain or maybe a ligament injury. Even though the pain was so bad that it was difficult to walk, there was no treatment such as compresses and bandages. In the past, after treating it, he would give me lectures on how to wrap it and things to be careful about in daily life. Is this what medical care is like today? Are you saying that if you pay a lot of money and use CT, we will examine you more often? Still feeling a bit confused, I bought a bandage myself and applied it at home. I had switched to a minor health insurance card, so I presented my number card at the reception desk, but was told, ``This is my first visit, so please provide me with the original insurance card.'' I asked if I could use my Myna insurance card, but was told, ``If you want to use it, please register on that terminal.'' Is it necessary to register Myna Insurance Card for each medical institution? It wasn't a problem because I still carried the original copy with me, but it was a bit of a mystery.

  • はまだい



    I am currently in my first year of high school, and three years ago, I suffered an avulsion fracture at the attachment point of my posterior cruciate ligament in an emergency room.At first, I was told that I didn't need surgery, but when I went to a certain orthopedic surgeon I go to, I was immediately diagnosed with blood. I was told that it would be better to have it removed and have surgery. If I hadn't gone to my regular hospital, I might not have been able to walk. I will never go there again.

  • 雨音



    As mentioned in other reviews, the receptionist's response is very bad. Even though I can trust the doctor's treatment and the people around me who have undergone rehabilitation have very good reviews, I still feel bad at the reception every time. I understand that you are busy, but I would like you to do something a little more. The other day when I visited, I was waiting at the X-ray reception desk and someone sitting right next to me said, ``First of all, I'm going to take a coronavirus test.'' First was the waiting room for emergency receptionists, but the people taking X-rays were in the same space. I was shocked that patients suspected of having coronavirus were made to wait in the same place as general patients. Even though everyone who came to the hospital was wearing masks, I felt uneasy.

  • 荒川歩



    My father brought a letter of introduction from the national government today. I was bitten by a dog during New Year's Day, so I went to the National Hospital for emergency treatment and received a letter of introduction for further care. After making me wait for over an hour, I was told, ``We cannot perform the treatment.'' My father went to this hospital because he had a similar experience and had been treated at this hospital before... When I asked him what I should do, he simply said, "Please look for it yourself." If there are no doctors who can perform such a procedure, shouldn't they properly explain the procedure?I am fully aware that hospitals are in trouble due to the coronavirus, but I think they could have done a better job. ?I thought.

  • 2 m

    2 m


    The teacher is very kind and explains things in an easy to understand manner. I would highly recommend him because he is very good at surgery and the rehabilitation doctors work very hard to perform the surgery. However, the women at the reception are the worst. To put it bluntly, these people have a high probability of lowering the evaluation of hospitals. If the bad reputation spreads any further, I think it would be better for you to resign and let the male office staff handle the reception. The teachers are good, so I usually just go to the reception desk. However, I was angry at that attitude, so I posted this.

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