Urbain Hiroshima Executive i Hiroshima

JapanUrbain Hiroshima Executive



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16-13 Wakakusachō, Higashi Ward, Hiroshima, 732-0053, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 82-567-6600
internet side: www.urbain-hotels.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 34.397091, Longitude: 132.480026

kommentar 5

  • Mae



    Convenient location, 5 minutes of walk away from Hiroshima station. All amenities provided for. Saw people recommending the breakfast, so we booked it the night before. It's available from 5 am to 9 am, but I recommend to go to it as early as you can, as we came down near closing time and a lot of options were already gone. 7-Eleven and Family Mart neaby. Unfortunately the guy that greeted us at reception didn't speak English. He had to use a translator but even then we weren't completely sure of his replies.

  • Manish Kumar

    Manish Kumar


    Great customer service, girls working in hotel are super helpful and speak English. I had asked to provide a room which has window to see trains but the reception didn’t acknowledge it during checkin process, I felt sad on this part only otherwise staff are super friendly and helpful.

  • Damian Care

    Damian Care


    The staff are very friendly and speakers English if you need their assistance. They will always try their best to help you. The breakfast was sufficient, both Asian and western style. The rooms are small but not the smallest compared to others in Japan. They are modern enough, with the bed and shower great for a short stay. The location is central and great to get to shops, izakaya, department stores, trains, taxi's etc etc. Overall a great mid range hotel.

  • Patrick T.

    Patrick T.


    Location is 10mins walk for Hiroshima Station (5mins if you take the slightly secluded lane at the back). Vicinity wise, there are lots of amenities including a dry cleaner, 24 hour supermarket, F&B outlet etc. Hotel is spare but basic even though the room I had was very small. The double bed took up all the space leaving a desk that couldn't fit a chair and is more used as a TV stand. Despite the size, they had managed to fit in a bar fridge, ironing board, provided a kettle, air cleaner and hair dryer. The bathroom is basic Japanese which is to say there is a soaking tub, wash let and bidet equipped toilet bowl. Breakfast is basic but adequate with the drinks and soup counter free for all, all day. I did not remember room service but they do not mind you bringing food from other places (i.e supermarkets) and consuming in the meal area.

  • Shireen Klaassen

    Shireen Klaassen


    Standard rooms are very very small, bed is more like mattress on floor which is on a weird step up? Hotel is close to station and does give basic free breakfast and drinks, also has free laundry but just have to buy detergent from reception for 50 yen. It's not so bad that I'd leave and find another hotel during this current stay but would not return as room is too claustrophobic.

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