Uoroku Koya Store en Sanjo

JapónUoroku Koya Store



🕗 horarios

1-chōme-16-31 Kōya, Sanjo, Niigata 955-0046, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 256-36-6677
sitio web: www.uoroku.co.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 37.6366459, Longitude: 138.9691396

comentarios 5

  • きよみ



    I use it all the time! The fish is fresh✨

  • Takeshi Kuwabara

    Takeshi Kuwabara


    There was an abundance of fish.

  • kaori ono

    kaori ono


    Good selection of products. Unfortunately, there were holes in the parking lot, and the wheels of the carts sometimes got stuck and dropped the food we had just bought.

  • うぃにーぷー



    I bought some Arita mandarin oranges, but they were so old that the skin was soggy and the fruit was almost empty. It's so bad that I can't even tell how long it's been since I bought it. I would have been able to tolerate it if it had been discounted, but I was disappointed because it was priced without a discount.

  • マスターGARO



    A shop where cooperative fraud is rampant, with discount clerks and their friends posing as customers. The store clerk puts a discount on the item that just came out, and my friend adds it to his cart as if he's used to it. Meetings in front of automatic doors are a daily routine. At the very least, I'll keep it a secret from the corner I'm in charge of, because it will be completely revealed. Everything is seen. Please come forward yourself. This is like the store keeping a scammer.

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