Challenger Supermarket en Tsubame

JapónChallenger Supermarket



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5129 Sawatari, Tsubame, Niigata 959-1228, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 256-64-2000
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 37.6555386, Longitude: 138.9444388

comentarios 5

  • ツバメ飛ぶ



    A supermarket that can be walked from my house🏠 I use it every day instead of a refrigerator. The next most interesting store after Don Quijote Stick to old-fashioned business. It's an ocean system. Of course I'm a shareholder. I have strong habits, and that's why I go there every day. There is a product with a reason. Fruits and vegetables: The leaves are withered and eaten by insects. Radish: There are streaks. Shiitake mushrooms are D class 98 yen. Regular class is 198 yen Bean sprouts 19 yen (If you can't get them on Saturday or Sunday, 2 pieces will be 20 yen on Tuesday) Fresh fish - Face-to-face (old-fashioned way of selling) The size of a goldfish, black-throat (how do you eat it? Difficult to find!) Horse mackerel is a bit smaller for grilling, rather than bean horse mackerel (it's cheap, but it's a pain to pick it up! How do you eat it?) A black tiger with a head attached (if you take the head off and peel it off, it's probably about half a baby finger?) A crab the size of my palm with its legs up The shell is 5-6 cm (alive) Is it for miso soup? Fresh fish is really fresh, fresh and good! However, there are some fish that are too addictive. Deli dishes are cheap! There is volume, there is volume, Lunch box 🍱398 yen is divine! ! The food is delicious. The bento boxes lined up in the morning are made by a bento shop outside the business division. Of course it was made early in the morning. different from ion However, the amount of rice was too large, about the size of a large bowl. So you can split it into two meals for 200 yen each. Meat Mainly large packs Approximately 400g to as much as 1kg One pork tenderloin (not half) Generally speaking, it is the old-fashioned way of selling, and there are too many bundled selling methods. How many pieces and how much? Yesterday, 4 pieces of Koppepan from Yamazaki Bread cost 330 yen. One piece of Koppepan has about 500 calories, so you can't eat 4 of them! Really interesting store However, I go there every day and am a shareholder because the staff are kind, helpful, and helpful. There are many banana bags sold at Nakag, and when I told the staff how many bananas I wanted, they made them for me if they had them in the backyard. I have a lot of meat, so I asked for it and they made it for me if it was in the bag. When buying a whole fish, fillet half of it. Peel the skin off half of the body for sashimi The head and bones will be cut into appropriate sizes for miso. Thank you for always being so kind to me. I'm also happy to be able to get a discount of 200 yen on the 1,000 yen gift card as a shareholder benefit, so I can buy it at about a 20% discount.

  • 杉原絵里香



    Fresh food is fresh and plentiful, which is great. The side dishes are plentiful and delicious, and the pizza and pudding made in-house are especially recommended. Although this supermarket is impeccable when it comes to handling food, the aisles inside the store are narrow and it gets quite crowded on weekends. It is especially difficult to pass around the cash register area. Even if it can't be helped due to the structure of the store, I have no choice but to deduct points...

  • Miyajima Yoichi

    Miyajima Yoichi


    Variety of vegetables, meat, fish with discount prices

  • A.m.




  • Dow izz

    Dow izz


    Cheap and large amount

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