Uniwa w Hirakata




🕗 godziny otwarcia

Japan, 〒573-1112 Osaka, Hirakata, Kuzuhamisaki, 3-chōme−12−6 1F
kontakt telefon: +81 72-864-5419
strona internetowej: uni-wa.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.8597493, Longitude: 135.6883752

komentarze 5

  • もとはしまさお



    I served as a driver for my wife and a friend, who had been eager to go there at least once, and we had a meal together. It was a lunch course. I was soothed by the very elegant cuisine. Moreover, I was full and very satisfied. However, it is a little far... You mentioned that the contents change depending on the season. I have to go again...

  • しん



    I had a hand-rolled sushi dinner that they only do twice a month. I thought that if the ingredients were really good, it wouldn't matter whether they were weak or not. The main seafood is fresh and of course delicious, Even the free water is delicious. I felt the attention to detail. The store and restrooms are also clean. You can get refills of the vinegared rice in the hand-rolled sushi, I ended up having 4 refills. This time, I came to the store alone, People who are having a meal while enjoying conversation I think this place is suitable for people like me who want to enjoy their meal slowly and alone.

  • 堀内利奈



    As soon as I entered the store, I met the manager's eyes in the kitchen through a small window. I wonder if he is casually watching over the guests while staying in the kitchen. A lot of food was served, along with clean towels. The hot water was served at the right temperature, in the right amount, and was mellow and very delicious. Needless to say, the food that followed was amazing. We also had the famous “Omusubi of Life” Was delighted. From the knowledge and personality of everyone in the service The warmth also made the time spent more comfortable and enriching. In the end, the head chef even came outside in the cold. Even casual customers like me are politely turned away. It was a valuable and happy experience that filled me with gratitude for food and people while receiving hospitality that was made with great care in every detail.

  • はーちゃん



    Perfect Japanese food.

  • K SH

    K SH


    Good, very good and comfortable. taste 5 facility atmosphere 4 service 5 others +

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