Unity Face i Sakai

JapanUnity Face



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3835 Fukaishimizuchō, Naka Ward, Sakai, Osaka 599-8273, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 72-267-4966
internet side: www.hotpepper.jp
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Latitude: 34.5321715, Longitude: 135.4955591

kommentar 5

  • T O.T

    T O.T


    Visited for the first time for lunch. Jerk chicken + spiced egg curry I ordered 280g of rice, 300g of large roux, and spicy rice. I get the impression that it takes a while to be served. Maybe about 15 minutes? I'm here. It already looks delicious 😍 Yeah, it's delicious 😋 The meat is delicious, and the roux probably has a lot of spices in it, so it's a complex flavor, but it comes together well and is delicious ❗️ Lemon and lime taste better when sprinkled on the meat. It's not that spicy. Even if it's spicy, it's still a little spicy. Maybe it's super spicy but you can afford it. This is a delicious curry restaurant that lives up to its reputation. However, there are some points of concern. ① The roux is lukewarm. Obviously lukewarm from the beginning. Is it something like this? Does it burn easily? I wonder if the flavor of the spices will fly? I think it tastes better hot. ② The spiced eggs are cold. Probably kept refrigerated. When I cut it in half and took the first bite, it was cold! Why not! I ate it thinking, but when I ate the remaining half, I was like, ``That's it?'' It became possible... It had a strange accent, similar to when you eat sorbet in the middle of yakiniku. I think it would be amazing if it got really cold. ③The self-service cold drinks are also lukewarm. Maybe because it doesn't contain ice? Although the price is about the same as CoCo Ichi, I think it's a good value for money because you can eat elaborate spice curry. If you like curry, I think you should try it at least once 🙆 Thank you for the meal😋😋😋 I'll bother you again!! ️!! ️ Visit again in 2 days! ️ I received some spicy food today. I was licking it...it was so spicy🥵🥵🥵🥵The habanero gave up after one bite. The roux was not lukewarm today. There seems to be some variation depending on the day, but it was delicious today too! ️ Thank you for the meal😋😋!! ️!! ️

  • Doge



    Both the curry and jerk chicken are spicy and delicious! I ordered the double jerk chicken curry and it was filling and delicious. When I squeezed the lemon and lime for garnish, it became so refreshing that I couldn't stop eating it with my spoon (lol) Although it was spicy, it wasn't too spicy and you could really taste the flavor of the spices. It is recommended shop! ! !

  • n t

    n t


    I'm repeating it for the second time! Jerk chicken and spice curry are delicious! ! There is no parking lot, but there is a parking lot nearby. The inside of the restaurant was small, with only two table seats and 4 to 5 counter seats. Reggae music is playing. You can choose the amount of rice, amount of roux, spiciness, and toppings. One plate includes curry, rice, jerk chicken, spiced eggs, macaroni salad, pickles, lemon and lime. Jerk chicken is delicious when eaten on its own, and when eaten with curry, it's even more spicy and delicious! The spiced egg is half-boiled and runny. If you like, you can add lemon or lime to the curry to change the taste, but I personally prefer not to add anything! Lunch also came with a drink set and the lassi was delicious. I'll come back later!

  • Pepper trust

    Pepper trust


    I came in looking for spicy curry. There is no parking lot, so it would be best to park at Times next to Toyota Rent a Car or at the parking lot under the elevated Senboku Route 1. There is no partnership, and the cost is around 200 yen per hour. I ordered the most popular jerk chicken curry + spiced egg on the signature menu. 280g of rice, average spiciness. delicious! Jerk chicken is delicious, so if it's your first time and you're a man, the double jerk chicken might be a good option. When I cracked the egg on top with chopsticks, I thought it was a poached egg, but it turned out to be a hard-boiled egg. I will come back again to try other menu items! →Added as I revisited it. True to my word, I ordered the double jerk chicken curry. The rice is 280g, which is in the free range. Quite a volume! I was satisfied with the amount of meat. Recommended for those who want to go all out. It would be nice if you could heat the plate since it cools down quickly. Also, it took over 20 minutes from ordering to when the food came out, so the parking fee went from over 200 yen to 400 yen per hour. I would be happy if we could collaborate. But I can feel the store owner's commitment, so I guess I can nod. I will go again!

  • kusu kusu

    kusu kusu


    Arrived at the store around 11:30 p.m. There were already plenty of seats available. I ordered double jerk chicken curry ¥1,310 (tax included) and jerk chicken plate ¥980 (tax included). You could choose the spiciness and amount of rice for the curry. The chicken was spicy, tender and delicious. I had to wait about 30 minutes after ordering, probably because it was around lunchtime (^_^;) It's a small restaurant with about 4 counter seats and 2 table seats, but it had a relaxing atmosphere. A store that makes me want to go again.

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