Moku Cafe & Lifestyle i Sakai

JapanMoku Cafe & Lifestyle



🕗 åbningstider

345 Higashiyama, Naka Ward, Sakai, Osaka 599-8247, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 72-236-6105
internet side:
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Latitude: 34.5209459, Longitude: 135.5120378

kommentar 5

  • Tb D

    Tb D


    I had some business nearby and was just passing by when I became curious and stopped by. I wondered what kind of store this was, but it seemed to be a combination of a cafe and a general store. It was after 1pm, so there were almost no customers, so it was quiet. I guess there's no lunch menu. So I ordered a hamburger and iced coffee from the menu on the table. The older woman working at the store was kind and nice. The hamburger steak was also delicious. It's a pity that I couldn't stop by because I didn't have time, but I'd like to go to the general store next time.

  • i i (お猿さん)

    i i (お猿さん)


    I was planning to go eat something cold and sweet, but when I saw the menu, I ended up ordering a lot of rice (lol). It was past lunch time, so the restaurant was empty. Next time let's go eat waffles (๑>◡

  • 未来



    steak lunch I received it (^^) Mr. MOKU You can have steak and hamburger lunch on the 1st floor! On Saturdays and Sundays, you can eat it at the cafe on the 2nd floor. The inside of the store is very stylish. What I ordered was Steak lunch ¥1,500 Served with 150g sirloin steak, salad, soup, and rice! You can choose the steak sauce, so use wasabi soy sauce♪ For rice, you can choose white rice or brown rice, and refills are free! The steak is Is it tough like pork? The taste was delicious! Maybe the wasabi soy sauce was delicious. The salad dressing was thick. With this feeling, I felt that 1,500 yen was expensive. I went alone for lunch on a weekday. After entering, I was asked to find a seat and was told, ``Please go ahead.'' I didn't know where to sit or if I was free. The cooking speed is fast. A decanter filled with water was placed on the table, Unless it's a busy time, I think it would be better for the staff to pay attention to each table and serve cold drinks. We also had hamburgers, Chami pork, and Awao chicken on the menu! Children's plate is ¥600. There are also course and party menus.

  • Anita_ Skye

    Anita_ Skye


    Lovely Coffee Shop within stylish HomeGoods store. The plain waffles were served with maple syrup and honey on the side. The iced coffee was fresh and delicious as well.

  • Nobuyuki Kano

    Nobuyuki Kano


    Knick-knack shop and good cafe!

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