Uni.Shop & Cafe 125 i Shinjuku-ku

JapanUni.Shop & Cafe 125



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Japan, 〒169-0071 Tōkyō-to, Shinjuku-ku, Totsukamachi, 1 Chome−104
kontakter telefon: +81 3-3208-7350
internet side: unishop-cafe125.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 35.7096019, Longitude: 139.7212508

kommentar 5

  • Gregory Schwartzman

    Gregory Schwartzman


    The place is nice, the staff could be nicer.

  • en



    The score is mostly for the ambiance: wood interior with jazz playing, and large bay windows facing a Japanese garden, with a large outdoor seating area. The drinks are unremarkable and small for their price, and I would stay away from their baked goods (they are consistently dried out and borderline inedible). Staff are generally nice, but sometimes rude. It can also get rather noisy with students around, and often closes at 5:30 instead of the posted 7pm to make room for evening events. That being said, it's a nice place to meet up on campus for a cup of coffee.

  • en

    Yama Jules


    Delightful environment for a delicious coffee and snack in eyeshot of Okuma Hall and clock tower and the beautiful Okuma gardens. Tastefully bedecked in Waseda maroon parasols the leafy terrace will bring you into contact with all associated with this famous university. Meanwhile inside a wide variety of souvenirs to choose for every budget from pencils to pendants.

  • J. C.

    J. C.


    Quiet place for working and relaxing, with garden view. Coffee is good, and varieties of Waseda souvenirs are sold.

  • pink40279



    Great begel salmon onion salad for drink have good camomilla chocolate it's expensive but it's nice place, if you want have a Waseda university gadget jacket, pencil...in front the cafe have a park realy nice you can have a picnic or just relax down the sun but close 4:40 pm perfect in April may Jun

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