SOJO Esperanto-Vegana Kafejo i Shinjuku-ku

JapanSOJO Esperanto-Vegana Kafejo



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111 Wasedatsurumakichō, Shinjuku-ku, Tōkyō-to 162-0041, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 3-6302-1639
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.708314, Longitude: 139.723434

kommentar 5

  • Christophe Osuna Richert

    Christophe Osuna Richert


    If you are either esperantist or vegan, you have to check this place. And even if you do not fall into one of those categories, you can still enjoy a delicious meal for a low budget in a very original atmosphere.

  • Anita Dollar

    Anita Dollar


    I love love love SOJO, I regularly crave their chickpea curry. They also have great changing dishes and lovely taps. Plus, they have become my local B12 dealer (they do sell a good selection of supplements).

  • Hieu Dang

    Hieu Dang


    Good and cozy place, like spending time here in weekends

  • Lucas Rodés

    Lucas Rodés


    Nice and cozy place. All food is vegan. The owner, Saito, is very kind! Food is very cheap, as for Feb 2018 daily dish costs 700 Yen, which has rice+miso+small salad+ main dish+ some pickles. Fully recommend it.

  • en



    The food is excellent, and you won’t find a healthy, vegan meal at this price almost anywhere in Tokyo. Set dinner menu is 700 and includes a main, often a couple sides, brown rice and soup. I took off one star because the days of operation are sometimes inconsistent. Make sure to check their Facebook page for possible closures before heading over.

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