Ume no hana i Toyota

JapanUme no hana



🕗 åbningstider

Japan, 〒471-0026 Aichi, Toyota, Wakamiyachō, 1-chōme−57−1 T-FACE B館9F
kontakter telefon: +81 565-37-3833
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.0875923, Longitude: 137.1551708

kommentar 5

  • ちゃぼ



    I used it at a farewell party for someone at work the other day. I'm not much of a tofu cook, but it was surprisingly delicious. 4800 yen course + limited time? I ate abalone tempura and it was very filling.

  • ヤマダミ



    I visited for lunch after a long time. If you make a reservation and opt for the course menu, you will be seated in a private room, so you can enjoy your meal at your leisure. The course menu is served little by little, which is great for women. It's located on the 9th floor of T-Face and has a very nice atmosphere, so I recommend it if you want to relax and chat with a female friend, but if you don't make a reservation, the private rooms fill up quickly. All the dishes are delicious.

  • Smiley “SmileyCancer” Cancer

    Smiley “SmileyCancer” Cancer


    I ate lunch special 🍱 Tofu based Japanese cuisine! Taste is so.. and price was reasonable!

  • YA Na

    YA Na


    I used it for the first time as a celebratory meal. I knew the name, but I wasn't sure about the atmosphere, taste, etc., but I was very satisfied. The atmosphere of the store and the customer service were also great. All the dishes were delicious! It's quite voluminous, and I'm satisfied with both quality and quantity. I would like to use it again next time. thank you

  • John Scheick

    John Scheick


    Several restaurants with shared dinning space. Okay quality for the price

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