Rai Rai Tei i Toyota

JapanRai Rai Tei



🕗 åbningstider

Japan, 〒471-0873 Aichi, Toyota, Akibachō, 1-chōme−26−3
kontakter telefon: +81 565-34-3222
internet side: www.rairaitei.co.jp
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 35.0636856, Longitude: 137.1654934

kommentar 5

  • olym hayashi

    olym hayashi


    A major ramen chain in Aichi Prefecture. You can order the ramen in detail. (Order from a tablet device.) The price is reasonable, so you can eat with peace of mind.

  • Tiago Tamiski

    Tiago Tamiski


    One of the best chain restaurants in the country, anywhere I go that is my favorite ramen restaurant.

  • Jonathan Neves

    Jonathan Neves


    Best lamen... 🤤👍👍

  • Akio Miyoshi

    Akio Miyoshi


    Good food, but the benches are a bit uncomfortable after a while

  • One Stop Jap

    One Stop Jap


    My favorite ramen in japan is here. Just the ramen with egg. It suits my taste. Just loudness of the staffs will make you eat faster they always sounds like in a hurry.

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