Ueno Onshi Park i Taitō

JapanUeno Onshi Park



🕗 åbningstider

5-20 Uenokoen, Taitō, Tokyo 110-0007, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 3-3828-5644
internet side: www.kensetsu.metro.tokyo.jp
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 35.7140706, Longitude: 139.7740792

kommentar 5

  • S C

    S C


    A very good place for family outing. The garden is nice for the kid to run around. The museums are great for the older children.

  • Prince Holly

    Prince Holly


    The park did not look too good when we went, as sakura season had just ended and the cherry blossom trees had therefore gone bare. However, it was nice to see the locals enjoying the park and also nice to see the market at the centre (by the shrine). It was a pleasant walk to go on.

  • Samir Lakhani

    Samir Lakhani


    Come during cherry blossom season! Huge festival in the park with food and people from all around the world. Absolutely stunned by the amount of folks in the park during the day on a Tuesday. Just enjoying.

  • William Lukman

    William Lukman


    We came to Ueno Park for the cherry blossom, and it did not disappoint. The park was practically arrayed in sakuras everywhere. We enjoyed taking lots of photos, watching others enjoyed the sceneries and taking pictures. We saw a lot of locals putting down mats and enjoying teas and snacks to enjoy the sights. Lovely place.

  • Ulet Natalius

    Ulet Natalius


    I visited this extremely large park during the shoulder season in end of August 2017. It's a very pleasant place. There's a museum, zoo, and large open spaces to hold festivals and events (there's one celebrating cultures of Nepal when I came). You can easily spend the whole first half of the day here. Don't be afraid to lose your way. Map and signs are plentiful, as is almost anywhere else in Japan.

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