Shinobazunoike i Taitō-ku




🕗 åbningstider

5-20 Uenokōen, Taitō-ku, Tōkyō-to 110-0007, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 3-3828-5644
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.7108521, Longitude: 139.7711191

kommentar 5

  • Kai Kincaid

    Kai Kincaid


    It is big park with plenty of activities. The boats in the ponds are a fun date / Family thing to do.

  • Meenoo Joshi

    Meenoo Joshi


    Perfect summer location : by the Pond, overlooking an old temple .... loadsa sea gulls .... close to a buzzing city !! Infact right within the city !! Picnic location too ! Weekends are like festival time in summer : with food stalls and boating facilities too

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    Bryan Mejia


    Beautiful temples, a nice big lake or pind to go in a canal, and if you manage to get your international permitt, definetly try going for the Mario Karting around the city.

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    jumbo mumbo


    Beautiful place to retreat from the busy city. Great place to relax and watch others go about their hobbies (like painting and playing games). Nice for a walk or to soak up some sun.

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    Saad Gul


    Relaxing place for a fun outing, relaxing or walking. Boating is also possible. The lake is not deep so is covered by plants giving it an interesting look.

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