Ueda Dental Clinic i Toyama

JapanUeda Dental Clinic



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1-chōme-17-21 Jōgawara, Toyama, 931-8325, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 76-438-1184
internet side: ww3.ctt.ne.jp
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Latitude: 36.7309587, Longitude: 137.2280137

kommentar 5

  • bon bon

    bon bon


    I've been going to this dentist for over 10 years. This clinic provides thorough tartar removal, cleaning, and tooth decay treatment. The other day, my gums became extremely swollen, so I took antibiotics to see what was going on and had to go back to see the doctor. Just when I thought it was almost time for my appointment, I contracted an infection. I had a high fever and couldn't call to cancel my reservation myself, so I asked my family to call me. I don't know if it's because of the fever, but when I told her that my gums felt uncomfortable, she said, ``Please let me know at any time so we can respond in case of an emergency.'' I was very worried because my fever wouldn't go away and my gums felt strange, but I was so relieved when I heard those words. I really appreciate it. I realized once again that if you have good skills, you are a wonderful dentist at heart. To avoid any inconvenience, I would like to properly cure the infection and make another appointment. I hope your gums don't swell until then.

  • 京子



    The first appointment is scheduled several months in advance. When I finally saw a doctor, I was told that my tooth could only be repaired at a general hospital. I was satisfied with that, but after that, I had to have the same X-rays taken and periodontal disease tests repeated many times, and each time I had to pay a considerable amount of money. Then, I received treatment for a tooth that was likely to develop cavities in the future, but the doctor, who was not the director of the clinic, was in charge, and I was so scared to have to inject anesthesia and scrape under the direction of a dental assistant or hygienist. , I had to stop halfway through. The director was kind, but I don't want to go there again.

  • S CA

    S CA


    Personally, I am grateful that people are able to make reservations 4-5 times in advance for treatment and testing, but I think this is making it difficult for other people to make reservations. It's a vicious cycle of not being able to get reservations, so booking all at once. Even if you want to reschedule due to sudden illness, it is difficult to reschedule. There are a lot of tests and treatment, so I have no idea what to do next. The process from the time I go to the time I leave until I leave is smooth and the people are all kind, but the reservation system and treatment process can be frustrating.

  • Flower Yuri.

    Flower Yuri.


    He is a dentist who has been taking care of me for a long time. I think a lot of things have been improved since the new version. There seem to be a lot of people coming through and the parking lot is always full, but the doctors and hospital staff all share information, and treatment and examinations go smoothly from the moment you enter the hospital until you leave. Therefore, there are almost no people waiting in the waiting room. Once you decide how to proceed with your treatment, you can make reservations until the treatment is finished, so I think it's easier to make reservations even on Saturdays. He is a very reliable dentist who will give you the same results no matter which hygienist is in charge.

  • 山田太郎



    It's extremely crowded, and if you make a Saturday reservation, you'll have to wait about 1.5 to 2.0 months, making it very difficult to get a reservation. However, when it comes to cavities treatment, we are not much different from other dentists. If something seems to be going wrong, the old-fashioned method involves removing the nerve and thoroughly grinding down the tooth. Because it is crowded and the treatment period is long, the quality may be lower than other dentists. It is not recommended for people who want to save their teeth for cavities treatment. It seemed like they were putting a lot of effort into preventing periodontal disease. Also, since the doctor is a specialist at the Institute of Implantology, it may be a good option for people with periodontal disease or those who want implants.

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