Sunada Dental Clinic i Toyama

JapanSunada Dental Clinic



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7-chōme-13-5 Inujima, Toyama, 931-8321, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 76-437-6799
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 36.7316614, Longitude: 137.2330586

kommentar 5

  • Wノホ



    They also do regular check-ups. Although each consultation takes a long time, it is helpful because the number of visits is small. It's a painless and thorough hospital.

  • ミラクル



    The response and treatment are very thorough and reassuring. I have been taking care of my father and son for about 20 years. The hygienist's skills are good.

  • Peep Meister

    Peep Meister


    Even if you make a reservation, you usually have to wait for 30 minutes, so that's quite a negative point, but the clinic is very thorough, so I recommend this clinic for things like getting your wisdom teeth removed. The pain was minimal and there was no swelling after the surgery, which was very helpful.

  • T H (chiki)

    T H (chiki)


    The best thing about it is that it doesn't hurt, and each person is treated with great care, but it takes too long, and even though the appointment is in the morning, it often doesn't start until after noon. So, when I went there before work, I couldn't finish it, so it was difficult.

  • Kanae Takayanagi

    Kanae Takayanagi


    I had my teeth fixed before I moved to the United States 10 years ago. The white filling (composite) on my front tooth that Dr. Sunada repaired is still strong and has not come off even after 10 years. I am currently working as a dental assistant at a clinic in the United States, and the doctor here has complimented me many times on how wonderful my front teeth are. He is a highly recommended dentist!

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