U Coop Suido in Shizuoka

JapanU Coop Suido



🕗 öffnungszeiten

35-1 Suidōchō, Aoi Ward, Shizuoka, 420-0008, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 54-271-4787
webseite: shizuoka.ucoop.or.jp
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 34.9866762, Longitude: 138.3675377

kommentare 5

  • 戸塚翔太



    The clerk was also kind. I'm the type of person who doesn't approach people I don't know, but because you were kind, I was able to take action on my own (from work experience)

  • いときょん



    I came here for the first time since all the nearby U-Corp stores were closed. The parking lot is on the roof, so it's a bit narrow and difficult to get into, but the store is large and has a good selection of products. Contains Can Do from the 100 yen shop. There are also a few magazines available. U-Corp is a store that relies on investment from union members, so it is different from an ordinary supermarket. This is a store that sells safe and secure items. It is nonsense to say that it is more expensive than other supermarkets. Please don't close any more stores.

  • Grace.B S

    Grace.B S


    There is a 5 yen copy. It seems like they replace their multifunction devices once every few years, so I would like them to continue using high-performance ones that cost 5 yen for black and white. At this time, it does not seem to support online printing or smartphone printing. I apologize if you have recently changed to a compatible device. When it comes to products, there are many good ones that I don't want to share because I don't like it when they sell out. As proof of that, they are sometimes sold out... I bought fresh meat and fish products on the same day of processing as at a cheap supermarket, and as expected from Co-op. The one from a certain famous supermarket turned out to be disgusting within a day or two, but the one from Co-op was different. I'm always impressed by how well they maintain hygiene, as they don't use any preservatives. Alcohol too. Convenience stores are expensive and have cardboard scum, dust, and mysterious black particles on the edges, but this Co-op is cleaner than any of the 10 to 20 retail stores I use. The discount on side dishes after the evening is also attractive...I don't want to tell too many people about this either. Because I want to buy it lol It's more delicious than Kenta●● than Fa●tiki. I know it must be difficult for all our employees, but thank you for always welcoming us cheerfully!

  • たたける



    Parking is on the second floor and across the street. Some of the items are from the 100 yen shop Can Do. I think the inside of the store is beautiful. Products are also displayed for easy viewing. I think it's very convenient for people who live nearby.




    The parking lot is on the second floor of the store. A little bit. We sell unsalted ham and sausages that do not contain coloring agents such as sodium, so they are safe to feed to children. We also have frozen food for children from one and a half years old.

nächste Supermarkt

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