TULLY'S COFFEE Unicus Kawagoe Shop en Kawagoe

JapónTULLY'S COFFEE Unicus Kawagoe Shop



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Japan, 〒350-1124 Saitama, Kawagoe, Arajukumachi, 1-chōme, 17番地1 2F UNICUS川越
contactos teléfono: +81 49-249-5188
sitio web: shop.tullys.co.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.9044962, Longitude: 139.4800923

comentarios 5

  • noid shii

    noid shii


    I come here for take-out on my way home from shopping. I stopped by with the intention of getting iced coffee, but when I looked at the menu, I noticed iced tea, so I changed to that. grapefruit separate tea I ordered. It's hot every day, so I want a refreshing drink. As the name suggests, it is divided into separate sections, so it looks stylish. The bitterness of the grapefruit mixed with the black tea was refreshing and delicious. When it's hot, something refreshing is delicious.

  • R.B. Bailey Jr International Media

    R.B. Bailey Jr International Media


    My first visit here, and much bigger than I thought. Nice atmosphere to socialize with friends, or get some work done on a personal PC. Connected to T's Books, on the 2nd floor of Unicus. Free WiFi available, but a limited number of recharge spots. Some balcony seating available.

  • A0826 U

    A0826 U


    I used it while waiting for an event. I ordered the recommended coffee. I waited because I was told it would take 5 to 10 minutes, but after 15 minutes I was not called and when I inquired...they had forgotten about me. I had also ordered a latte, but that was already prepared. The latte was remade.

  • Masahiro Terada

    Masahiro Terada


    It feels like the bookstore and Tully's are connected inside the store, but have separate entrances. So it's smaller than Tully's at U Place, but it feels good to drink coffee out of a mug at the counter seats facing the bookshelves that will make you want to read, or at the terrace seats on the plaza side of Westa.

  • Alex Compter

    Alex Compter


    A cozy and welcoming coffee shop on the second floor. The staff have been very friendly. The bookstore next door opens into the coffee shop. It’s a nice alternative to some of the more crowded coffee shops closer to the station.

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