Hoshino Coffee Equia Kawagoe Shop en Kawagoe

JapónHoshino Coffee Equia Kawagoe Shop



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Japan, 〒350-1122 Saitama, Kawagoe, Wakitamachi, 24−9 エキア川越 3階
contactos teléfono: +81 49-272-7471
sitio web: www.hoshinocoffee.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.9074887, Longitude: 139.4829756

comentarios 5

  • 千葉落花生



    Hoshino Coffee Store Ekia Kawagoe Store 3rd floor, Ekia Kawagoe, 24-9 Wakitacho, Kawagoe, Saitama 350-1122 The visit date is June 16, 2024. On this day, I was sightseeing around Kawagoe City from the morning, and this was the last shop I stopped at. It was completely sunny in the afternoon, and I stopped by after doing some sweaty sightseeing. The first water I was served tasted very good. This time, I tried Hoshino Coffee's summer recommendation, ``Kezuri Strawberry Parfait Set - A refreshing melt-in-your-mouth parfait made with condensed milk pudding topped with fluffy frozen strawberries! Comes with a drink.'' The photo also includes the ``Banana custard brûlée soufflé pancake with chocolate ice cream single'' that my companion ordered. I think I stayed there for about 30 minutes. I was able to get refills of iced coffee for half the price, so I was able to relax and cool down quite a bit, making it a great way to end my sightseeing in Kawagoe. thank you.

  • masaki



    Because it's attached to a station, it can get crowded...and since it's a coffee shop, the turnover isn't very fast. However, once you enter the restaurant, you will find a retro and luxurious interior, and the food is consistently delicious.

  • 市村京子



    Visiting with a girl as big as my daughter The sofa has a retro feel and is plump and relaxing. The price was reasonable, but the taste was worth it. We had a very relaxing lunch.

  • 24 M

    24 M


    It's on the 2nd floor of Ekia, straight up the escalator after exiting the ticket gate at Kawagoe Station.It was empty during the day on weekdays. The customer service was polite, but the food I ordered took a while to come out, and the taste was no different from other Hoshino coffees.

  • Kroz



    reasonable price but coffee not strong enough

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