Tsushima City Hospital in 津島市

JapanTsushima City Hospital


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3-chōme-73番地 Tachibanachō, 津島市 Aichi 496-0038, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 567-28-5151
webseite: www.tsushimacity-hp.jp
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 35.1734073, Longitude: 136.7380226

kommentare 5

  • Rey Rey

    Rey Rey


    I don't want to remember the extremely unpleasant and extremely frustrating response. Why do I have to pay taxes and insurance premiums and suffer such terrible experiences? I don't think the signboard for a "citizen" hospital would fit. There is no need for a ``citizen'' hospital in Tsushima City, as it could be changed to private or private management.

  • ケーキパン



    Last year, my wife was brought here by ambulance and we received care. I was told that I was in the emergency room, so I went there and talked to the nurse.While I was waiting outside, I left to make a phone call, but the nurse told me to give her a shout when she came back and called me. After it was over, I went back and called out to them, but they ignored me.I called out to them many times, but no one ignored them. A young male teacher passed in front of me and when I called out to him, he looked at me like he didn't know me. I understand that you are busy, but I would like you to at least respond. Especially the young male teacher who was just wandering around lol. I went inside and called out to her, and finally we were able to talk.After that, she was hospitalized for just one day, and when she was discharged the next day, my wife thanked the people at the nurses' station, but they looked like they didn't know her.In fact, the nurses seemed to be having fun together. We were talking. I thought the people working there were done just because the hospital was big lol.

  • HONDAともかず



    I used the gastrointestinal system examination on my first outpatient visit with a referral letter. I checked in before my scheduled appointment time, but I had to wait a little longer, probably because the patient in front of me was taking a long time to see me. The doctor who diagnosed me was very thorough and gave me a good impression. Accounting and payment after receiving the order went smoothly and was completed without any problems. There are two stores across the street from the store, so I was able to pick up my medication smoothly.

  • 剛村尾



    A few years ago, I went to see an orthopedic surgeon for an accident, but the doctor had a bad attitude and the treatment was just a wet band-aid. The treatment was at the level of folk medicine, so when I went to another hospital, I was told that the condition was serious, with a hole reaching into the dermis. First of all, that plastic surgeon with unshaven stubble should be educated on his language. I felt that the level of the doctors was all up to par, as I was only being charged money for low-level treatment. I will never use it again.

  • けけたた



    The late night emergency outpatient service was very helpful, courteous, prompt, and helpful.When I went back the next day, they provided me with all the information I needed for the emergency outpatient visit, and I decided to be hospitalized. I couldn't move or speak due to the fever, but they treated me very kindly, and I regret that I was reluctant to go until now after reading the reviews. I should have gone sooner 😭 Why are the other reviews so bad? I don't know if it's a low rating or not 🤲

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