JA Aichi Koseiren Kainan Hospital in Yatomi

JapanJA Aichi Koseiren Kainan Hospital


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Japan, 〒498-8502 Aichi, Yatomi, 前ケ須町南本田396
kontakte telefon: +81 567-65-2511
webseite: www.kainan.jaaikosei.or.jp
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 35.1083752, Longitude: 136.7231245

kommentare 5

  • stream5529



    I was admitted to a private room and cared for. The nurses are also courteous. Wi-Fi is also available, so you won't get bored while staying in the hospital. However, Wi-Fi is turned off from 10pm to 6am as it is a hospital. It would be nice if this could be improved as the lighting is in a place that is hard to reach and cannot be adjusted to the appropriate darkness. The TV refrigerator requires the purchase and use of a 1,000 yen prepaid card and can only be viewed using earphones. Hospital food is not bland and is served piping hot, but you will get tired of it after a week.




    If you visit this hospital Weekends you will have bad experience-you will wait for a long time before you will be attended to,

  • ja p

    ja p


    The hospital is quite new and clean, but the waiting period for every check-up takes more than 3hours! Even if you have an appointment, it’s useless. And worse, some doctors aren’t too friendly with foreigners! It’s like they can’t wait to be rid of you.

  • jane yu

    jane yu


    The Hospital is clean and beside of the clinic nearest the hospital you can see the beautiful flowers blooming it can relax your mind and soul😉.

  • Nelson Sabanal

    Nelson Sabanal


    Friendly atmosphere.

nächste Krankenhaus

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