Tsukiji Whale in Chuo City

JapanTsukiji Whale



🕗 öffnungszeiten

4-chōme-10-17 Tsukiji, Chuo City, Tokyo 104-0045, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 3-6278-8194
webseite: www.e-kujira.net
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 35.6657057, Longitude: 139.7704255

kommentare 5

  • Nate M

    Nate M


    The food was excellent the 2 ladies working here are very nice.

  • Holden



    Whale was good, but the market is just so crowded.

  • Saeed H

    Saeed H


    They only had the fried whale when I arrived but it was tasty! I would recommend

  • Al Lim

    Al Lim


    Tried whale meat for the first time and personally feel that textile is somewhat similar to beef. Needs seasoning though. Was well cooked and served in a cup. Quite a few customers just buy and eat standing opposite the store.

  • Brian L

    Brian L


    I had my first taste of whale meat here, in the form of a skewer. It did not have any distinct flavour and actually tasted like meat, but probably needed more seasoning. I also tried one of their ice creams that had silver fish in them, but I was not really able to find nor taste them. Overall, it was an interesting experience but I needed something that would excite my taste buds a bit more!!

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