
🕗 öffnungszeiten

Japón, 〒104-0061 Tōkyō-to, Chūō-ku, Ginza, 6 Chome−7−6 ラペビル
kontakte telefon: +81 3-3289-5360
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 35.670489, Longitude: 139.762655

kommentare 5

  • Alberto Dolcini

    Alberto Dolcini


    Posto demenziale, ma in senso non dispregiativo. L'anfitrione è travestito da vampiro e tratta "male" i clienti (se sapete bene il giapponese, è uno spasso). Menu caro, cibi precotti ma appropriati allo stile del locale e comunque molto saporiti. Chiedete di sedere ai tavolini: con il separé tirato l'atmosfera diventa tetra e romantica. Consigliato ai goth!

  • en

    Patrick Benitez


    Let’s start with the positive stuff first. 1. Atmosphere is cool! 2. The presentation of the food is cool. 3. The waiters and waitresses wear cool costumes. Now for the bad stuff. Well it was actually my friend’s birthday and I feel so bad for even recommending this place. 1. There is a cool area with the coffin and the vampire (Japanese only) and ugly area (Foreigners). 2. The food is not worth it. It’s so expensive and the serving is so small. We ordered the course one serving is like for 4 people per plate. 3. The waiters and waitresses are so unfriendly. I asked one waiter if it’s okay to take his picture. He says he’s busy. Oisogashii desu. That’s fine. But one waiter who was trying to flirt with the female customers was so rude!!! I was just trying to take a picture of the place because it’s so cool but he said “NANDESUKA?!?! TORANAIDE!” If it’s not allowed to take pictures can’t be just say, “Suimasen, toranaide dame desu ga.” So rude. I am posting the rude waiter picture below. 4. Our waiter who is blonde really tried so hard. He took my friend’s picture and her sisters but the card says Happy Anniversary and not happy birthday. The waiter really destroyed my day No apologies at all I WILL NEVER EVER RECOMMEND THIS RESTAURANT.

  • Shauna D

    Shauna D


    If you want a truly unique experience, look no further. Vampire wait staff will attend your every need when you ring the bell. Red curtains, blood-cell carpets, ornate decor and novel vampiric food and drink choices are all here for you. If you are lucky you will see Count Rose who will speak deeply and theatrically and take a picture with you if you ask- be prepared to have your neck gripped for a snapshot! Ginza is a bit intimidating with its tall towers of expensive shops and hotels, but it was worth roaming the streets with my GPS for this restaurant/cafe. Reservations are recommended.

  • sun bo

    sun bo


    This is the COOLEST cafe I've ever been to. The attendants are really HARDCORE vampires, I mean their every move, and lines are pro-level. If you are a vampire movie/ novel fan, really DO NOT miss this cafe in Tokyo. Definately worth visiting again with different friends as well.

  • Erika Murakami

    Erika Murakami


    Sitio muy bien ambientado, camareros muy metidos en su rol y con buena atención. Platos no muy baratos, estancia máxima de 1h y mediay cobran por sólo entrar al restaurante. Pero merece la pena vivir la experiencia, al menos una vez si visitas Tokyo y te gusta este tipo de ambientes.

nächste Cafe

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